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在以千年记的岁月中,台湾排湾族创造了以蛇纹为典型的纹样艺术并运用在陶壶、青铜刀、琉璃珠与服饰等日常生活之中。这些纹样主要来自于自然山川、动植物的启迪,以及将其抽象化形成的几何形纹样。本文通过对蛇纹的精神内涵解读,阐明排湾族对天地神灵的图腾膜拜、生殖巫祝与生死一体化的观念。 In the millennium, the Paiwan tribes in Taiwan have created the typical snake pattern art and applied it to daily life such as clay pots, bronze knives, glass beads and costumes. These patterns come mainly from the natural mountains and rivers, the enlightenment of animals and plants, and the geometric patterns formed by abstracting them. Through the interpretation of the spiritual connotation of serpentine, this article illustrates the concept of totem worship, reproduction witchcraft and integration of life and death of the Paiwan clan to the god of the world.