来源 :Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w478435139
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This paper employs the integral-averaged method of thickness to approximate the periodical flows in a piezoelectric micropump, with a shallow water equation including nonlinearity and viscous damp presented to characterize the flows in micropump. The finite element method is used to obtain a matrix equation of fluid pressure. The fluid pressure equation is combined with the vibration equation of a silicon diaphragm to construct a liquid-solid coupled equation for reflecting the interaction between solid diaphragm and fluid motion in a micropump. Numerical results of a mode analysis of the coupled system indicate that the natural frequencies of the coupled system are much lower than those of the non-coupled system. The influence of additional mass and viscous damp of fluid on the natural frequencies of the coupled system is more significant as the pump thickness is small. It is found that the vibration shape functions of silicon diaphragm of the coupled system are almost the same as those of the non-coupled system. This paper also gives the first-order amplitude-frequency relationship of the silicon diaphragm, which is necessary for the flow-rate-frequency analysis of a micropump. This paper employs the integral-averaged method of thickness to approximate the periodical flows in a piezoelectric micropump, with a shallow water equation including nonlinearity and viscous damp presented to characterize the flows in micropump. The finite element method is used to obtain a matrix equation of fluid pressure. The fluid pressure equation is combined with the vibration equation of a silicon diaphragm to construct a liquid-solid coupled equation for reflecting the interaction between solid diaphragm and fluid motion in a micropump. Numerical results of a mode analysis of the coupled system that the natural frequencies of the coupled system are much lower than those of the non-coupled system. The influence of additional mass and viscous damp of fluid on the natural frequencies of the coupled system is more significant than the pump thickness is small. It is found that the vibration shape functions of silicon diaphragm of the coupled system are almost the same as tho se of the non-coupled system. This paper also gives the first-order amplitude-frequency relationship of the silicon diaphragm, which is necessary for the flow-rate-frequency analysis of a micropump.
加里森(美国)──《刺杀肯尼迪》 爱国。是先天下之忧而忧的情怀。 让真实曝露于光天化日之下;还是让谎言将我们自醉于瞒天过海的欺掩 之中?加里森告诉儿子:“好人太胆小了;坏人就
翻遍了所有的口袋,只剩下三角五分! 这个月可真够呛,碰上了好朋友过生日,每月的30元零用钱几乎都花在礼品上了。“哎!”我轻轻地叹了一口气。(开篇点出窘相,“我”的心理压力
由于活塞式空压机二级冷却器冷却效果不佳,二级排气压力超过设计压力,造成安全阀起跳。更换二级冷却器,解决了此故障。介绍了保证活塞式空压机冷却器冷却效果的操作方法。 D