肾性尿崩症是肾脏对抗利尿激素(antidiuretic hormone,ADH)反应缺陷所致,病因可分为遗传性和继发性两种,继发性肾性尿崩症多因各种疾病或药物(如庆大霉素、链霉素等)导致的肾小管损害和代谢紊乱所致;而遗传性肾性尿崩症主要表现为AVPR2受体基因的突变,且多伴有一定的家族史,发病年龄较小,以男性居多。现将我院收治的1例患者报道如下。1病历资料患者男,19岁,于2015-10-09因“口干多饮多尿
Renal diabetes insipidus is caused by the deficiency of renal response to antidiuretic hormone (ADH). The causes can be divided into hereditary and secondary. Secondary renal diabetes insipidus is usually caused by various diseases or drugs Such as gentamicin, streptomycin, etc.) caused by renal tubular damage and metabolic disorders; and hereditary nephrogenic diabetes insipidus mainly for the AVPR2 receptor gene mutations, and more with some family history, the incidence Younger, mostly male. Now in our hospital admitted to a patient reported as follows. 1 patient records Patient male, 19 years old, in 2015-10-09 due to ”dry mouth, drink more urine