Analysis of an English Major’s Writing

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  [Abstract] Corpus-based approach has become a well-proven method in linguistic study. The present paper attempts to make an analysis of an English major’s written journals in corpus approach. Through data analysis, this paper finds some typical mistakes in the subject’s writing and makes some suggestions for the learner’s future study.
  [Key words] Corpus writing L1 transfer
  Since its birth in 1960s, Corpus Linguistics has brought a new and useful method to investigate linguistic data. According to John Sinclair(1991), a corpus is a collection of naturally occurring language text, chosen to characterize a state or variety of a language. As corpus collects “natural” linguistic data---language that people used in communication, it is a performance-based approach (Yang, 2002: 9). Compared with the traditional approaches to linguistics, i.e. introspection and elicitation, the corpus-based approach is convenient for it can be accessed using various types of software packages, thus corpus-based approach to linguistic investigation has shown its powerful advantages to better serve linguistic purposes. Sinclair has claimed that the systematic study of large corpora yields information about language use that is not available to unaided intuition:
  …the contrast exposed between the impressions of language detail noted by people, and the evidence compiled objectively from texts is huge and systematic. It leads one to suppose that human intuition about language is highly specific, and not at all a good guide to what actually happens when the same people actually use the language(Sinclair, 1991:4).
  This paper explores some features of a Chinese English major’s written journals and analyzes some of the typical mistakes. Hopefully it will provide new evidence to the present linguistic study with the corpus-based approach.
  2. General analysis of the journal corpus
  2.1 An overall picture of the written journals
  This paper takes an English sophomore as the subject and collects her 24 weekly journals to make a journal corpus. In order to get a holistic view of the learner’s language proficiency, this paper makes a description of the investigated data via applying the Wordsmith tool. The result shows that most words in the journal corpus are 2, 3 and 4 letters long with an average word length of 4 letters. The average sentence and paragraph length (about 18 and 200 respectively) are much larger than the standard length (about 12 and 140 respectively). Moreover, the type/token ratio in the journal corpus is smaller than it should be. This implies that the most frequently used words are those of one or two syllables and the writer tends to use long sentences and many words to clearly express her ideas.
  2.2 Contrastive analysis between Brown corpus and the journal corpus
  A wordlist was made in terms of frequency and percentage of each word in the altogether 24 journals. Then this paper compares the data with a wordlist of a general corpus---Brown corpus, to make a vivid comparison of the characteristics between the Chinese English learner and the native speakers. It can be concluded that though most of the first 50 items coexist in the two corpora, there are some high frequency words in the journal corpus which are not so frequently occurred in Brown corpus. Two of the examples are “I” (No. 2 in journal corpus and No. 20 in Brown corpus) and “we” (No. 7 in journal corpus and No. 40 in Brown corpus). Another feature is that some words appears in the first 50 items of the journal corpus but not in the Brown corpus, such as “my”, “me”, “our”, “us” and “friends”. These might be the result of the specific writing genre. As the journal corpus is the collection of the student’s weekly journals which are mostly the record of the student’s life and the content of writing is mostly the writer’s own experience.
  Other high frequency words in the journal corpus like “very”, “some”, “also” and “good” might be attributed from L1 (mother tongue) transfer. According to Rod Ellis, L1 transfer “refers to the influence that the learner’s L1 exerts over the acquisition of an L2” (2003:51). L1 transfer can be reflected in the overuse of some forms.
  L1 transfer may result in not only the overuse of some expressions, but avoidance of some other forms as well. This can be proved by the absence of “would” in the journal corpus. The word “would” can be used as a marker for subjunctive mood, thus appear in the first 50 items of Brown corpus (No. 38). Because Chinese language does not contain equivalent structure, the investigated learner avoid to use the subjunctive mood in her writing.
  3. Error analysis of the journal corpus
  This paper annotates the written journals according to the CLEC annotation description. Then an accordancing process is conducted to explore concrete mistakes in the journals. The following sectors analyze the mistakes on different levels.
  3.1 Analysis on lexical level
  A major type of mistake on lexical level is the misuse of words. Some cases of the misuse are due to inaccurate word-choice, as shown in line (1). The subject also misuses the synonyms of some words as in line (2). A third type of misusing may be the result of incompetence of the learner’s L2, as line (3) indicates.
  (1) riends would help me get rid of the bad points [Wd8] After a delicious meal
  (2) I believed I mustn’t. One day after I went [Wd8] to the university.
  (3) other[np9] person,[sn8] because my dog lost [Wd8] her hair which would be
  Moreover, as there are no tense markers in Chinese language, the subject fails to distinguish several tenses in her writing, especially the present tense and past tense, as line (4) shows.
  (4) Riends’. When my parents called me and ask [vp6] how I was, I said I was quite f
  Another major mistake is the confusion of non-finitive and finitive verbs in English, as in line (5) and line (6). The mistake might also be due to the unawareness of the target language, for there isn’t such distinction in Chinese language
  (5) be scientific when choosing food. Take [vp4] enough exercises can help us
  (6) the miserable weather made us feeling [vp4] bad. So we didn’t go to th
  3.2 Analysis on syntax-level
  The following examples show structural deficiency, which is a typical mistake throughout the whole journal corpus. Structural deficiency to a great extent is due to the influence of Chinese structures.
  (7) ifficult. I took a bag of 3-kilogramme apples [sn8], other food and a
  (8) father, I liked listening to my father talking [sn8] about the principle,
  (9) ouse, mum sent her to other[np9] person, [sn8] because my dog lost
  Many Chinese English learners produce run-on sentences in their speaking and writing. The following examples are some of run-on sentences found in the journal corpus. Lack of proficiency and practice may account for the mistake. With the student’s more practice and awareness, this mistake could be avoided.
  (10) the wild girl and became a lovely lady. [sn1] Beth got a new piano from
  (11) nearly one hundred balloons prepared [sn1] for the lecture yesterday,
  (12) h photo, each mouth was full of food. [sn1] When we got back, looked
  4. Conclusion
  This paper analyzes the characteristics and major mistakes of an English major’s weekly journals. Generally speaking, the student should enlarge her vocabulary in her future studies. In specific, she had better pay special attention to the differences of synonyms and be aware of the cultural influences on her word-choice and sentence-making. As to grammar, the subject has a good mastery except the tense, thus she should also be aware of the distinction of tenses.
  [1]Ellis, Rod. Second Language Acquisition[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press, 2000.
  [2]Kennedy, Graeme. An Introduction to Corpus Linguistics[M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.
  [3]Sinclair, John . Corpus, Concordance, Collection[M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991.
  [4]楊惠中. 语料库语言学导论[M]. 上海: 上海外语教育.
[摘 要] 在充分解析高职大学生不同层次的素质现状基础上,科学整合素质拓展训练资源,准确把握课程设计的内涵与外延,设计出高效、合理的训练课程,发挥实践式、体验式教学方式的优势,切实提高高职大学生的综合素质。  [主题词] 高职大学生 素质拓展 课程设计    素质拓展训练通过实践式、体验式的方式运用丰富多彩的具有挑战性的项目组合让学生全身心的投入,无论是个体或者团队,都将在训练中得到
[摘 要] 钳工实习课是职业技术学校钳工专业中一门至关重要的课程。近几年来,由于高校的扩招以及高中的普及,接受中等职业教育的学生生源质量非常不理想,学生学习基础普遍较差,学习能力不强,上进心与自信心不足,没有良好的学习习惯。又因为钳工是机械工种中唯一以手工操作为主的工种,在实习过程中课题进度慢,学生感觉到枯燥乏味,机械单调,学生处于被动的接受状态,没有主动获取知识的积极性,很容易产生厌学的心理,
[摘 要] 本文在分析當前大学生创业教育现状基础上,以大学生创业能力培养的四个主体为切入点,提出了以就业为导向的大学生创业教育四项主体互动统一的新机制,并论述了其相互关系,以达到最终就业的目的。  [关键词] 就业 大学生 创业教育    一、大学生创业教育的现状  近年来, 随着高校大规模扩招, 大学毕业生的数量急剧上升, 据相关数据统计, 2008年为559万,2009年为611
[摘 要] 教育信息化资源开发利用是推进教育信息化的核心和保障,它具体包括教育信息资源、教育信息化人力资源及教育信息化环境资源三大要素。根据《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要》(2010-2020年)第十九章“加快教育信息化进程”的内容,笔者对本校教育信息化进程中教育信息化资源的建设现状做了调查,指出了存在的问题并提出了相应的对策。  [关键词] 教育信息资源 存在问题 对策    
[摘 要] 福多的心理模块为我们理解心理的运演方式提供了新的范式,为我们研究语言模块内部的构成形式和工作方式提供了有力的支撑,语言模块作为输入系统的构成部分,句法和语义的结合起到最直接的作用,尤其是我们最初对语义的感觉最为明显。本文在语言模块框架下,以句法与语义的结合模式为切入点,在句法与语义结合问题的研究过程中,对语言模块的内部构成性进行阐述。  [关键词] 刺激贫乏论 语言模块
[摘 要] 本文简要介绍了铁岭师专钢琴比赛的整个过程,并通过钢琴比赛所得到的启示,明确了教学改革的方向,同时介绍了比赛后,经过教学改革实践总结出的教学改革经验。  [关键词] 钢琴比赛 教学改革    钢琴课是高职高专音乐教育中最重要的一门技能基础课,是音乐创作、音乐表演、音乐教育所不可或缺的基本音乐技能。但现阶段的高职高专钢琴教学,大部分还承袭着“一对一”个别课形式的传统教学模式,所以学
[摘 要] 语音知识在现代汉语教学中占有重要地位。对于师范生来说,学好现代汉语语音知识不仅能够提高普通话水平,同时也为今后运用语音知识指导小学语文教学工作奠定了基础。但是笔者通过几年的教学实践发现学生的学习效果并不理想。分析原因:1、学生思想上不重视;2、学科特点致使学生不喜欢学,不会学;3、教学安排时间紧,任务重。如何利用课堂教学,改变这种现状,提高学生的学习效率呢?本文结合教学实践,介绍了几
[摘 要] 教師在外语教学中不能生搬硬套某一种教学法,而要立足于教学实际,综合考虑特定的教学目的、教学内容、教学对象、教学条件等因素,同时还要充分发挥主动性和创造性,将各种教学法灵活运用到教学实践。只有,综合运用教学法对激发学生的语言学习兴趣、增强学生的语言交际能力、促进高级英语教学效果具有的非常重要的实践意义。   [关键词] 听说法 视听法 认知法 交际法    一、引言
[摘 要] 市场营销专业在高职学院,自二○○五年由三年制改为二年制后,使统计学课程教学产生“两难”的矛盾,即学生难学、老师难教,为解决这一矛盾,针对统计学课程的教学法内容、教学方法和教学手段等多方面同时研究,取得了一定效果,研究的成果在一定范围也得到应用。  [关键词] 课程教学 研究报告    一、研究的宗旨和目标   虽然统计学课程较晚被教育部规定为经济类、管理类专业的专业核心课程,
[摘 要] 高中新化学课程标准的三维目标是:知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观。情感态度与价值观是化学课程的终极目标。本文结合高中化学教学的实际,分析了情感态度和价值观教育在化学教学中的现状,综述了在教学中如何落实新课标的这一终极目标。  [关键词] 化学 情感 态度 价值观    化学作为一门基础自然学科,是科学教育的重要组成部分。它对提高学生的科学素养,树立科学的物质