海德格尔对唯物史观推崇不已,认定唯有它达到了在存在中把捉历史事物的本质性的存在论境域,唯有共产主义尚能追赶正在加速展开的世界历史天命。但由于他对 劳动 “作了近代语境的解读,因而不无矛盾地批评唯物史观终究是预设 人是理性动物”的人道主义之一种,并认为人的本质不在理性或生物性而在 生存“。其实, 劳动”与 生存“均扬弃了旧形而上学那种作为单个人所固有的抽象物的人的本质,因为对世界历史意义的道说现在是在其本真的存在方式上而不是在所谓 绝缘的主体”上进行的。马克思哲学之当代性当作此理解
Heidegger highly praises the historical materialism and finds that only when it reaches the essential state of existence that holds the historical things in existence can communism catch up with the accelerating world history destiny. However, since he made a labor-based interpretation of the modern context, he does not contradictly criticize the historical materialism as one of the prejudices of humanism as the presupposition that human beings are rational animals. He believes that human nature is not rational or biological In fact, both labor and subsistence abandon the essence of the person of the metaphysics as an abstraction inherent in a single person, for the doctrine of the historical significance of the world is now in its essence Rather than on the subject of so-called insulation. The contemporary nature of Marx’s philosophy is to be understood