本文对我院2009年度发生的膀胱损伤2例分析如下。1病历摘要例1:女,53岁。因发现子宫肌瘤3 a于2009-01-30入院,既往无手术史及内科疾患。查体:子宫水平位,不规则增大如孕11周,质中等,轻压痛,活动度可,双附件未及异常,初步诊断:(1)子宫肌瘤;(2)盆腔炎。完善化验后于2009-02-01行子宫全切术,采用传统开腹方式,术中见子宫多发肌瘤,增大如孕
This article in our hospital in 2009 occurred in 2 cases of bladder injury as follows. 1 case summary 1: female, 53 years old. Due to the discovery of uterine fibroids 3 a 2009-01-30 admission, no previous history of surgery and medical problems. Physical examination: Uterine level, irregular increase such as 11 weeks pregnant, medium quality, mild tenderness, activity can be, double attachment without exception, preliminary diagnosis: (1) uterine fibroids; (2) pelvic inflammatory disease. Improve the test after hysterectomy in 2009-02-01 hysterectomy, the traditional way of laparotomy, uterine intraoperative multiple fibroids, increased such as pregnancy