The ultrastructure of capillaries and lymphatic vessels in the nasal mucosa and pharyngeal wall of rabbits were studied by electron microscopy and image analysis. The results showed that the lymphatic vessels of the nasal and pharyngeal capillaries have the general characteristics of the ultrastructure of lymphatic vessels. There are three kinds of connections between endothelial cells, that is, insert, overlap and end connections. The two organs were inserted to see the most common, accounting for 61.76 / and 60.87%. Among the three types of connections, 47.06% and 43.48% were associated with adhesive devices, while those with open devices accounted for 2.94% and 4.35% respectively. Nasal and pharyngeal capillary vessels of small lymphatic endothelial cells are small average diameter, and are free to the cytoplasm in the most common, the number density are large and the body density are small, but there are also differences between the two organs .