探讨用反相气相色谱法(IGC)测定补阳还五汤中黄芪皂苷的溶度参数的方法评价。采用葵二酸二正辛酯替代样品进行方法学考察,测得准确度实验的相关系数为0.992 1,精密度实验表明IGC测得结果准确、可靠。IGC测样品溶度参数方法中,以将样品均匀地涂布在惰性担体表面上,以N2气体作为载气,以不同极性的溶剂异丙醇、甲苯、丙酮、氯仿、环己烷作为探针,TCD检测器温度150℃,气化室温度120℃,采用类似顶空进样方式,取其上空气体1μL进GC测量,测试空气和探针分子在色谱柱内的保留时间t0和tR及各项参数。根据IGC方法所测得的t0,tR和相关参数结果,得到黄芪甲苷的溶度参数为(21.02±2.4)[J·cm-3]1/2,文献值为19.24[J·cm-3]1/2,相关系数0.984 5。IGC测定成分溶度参数结果有效、准确。
To evaluate the method of determining the solubility parameter of Astragalus saponin in Buyang Huanwu Decoction by reversed-phase gas chromatography (IGC). The method was used to replace the sample with dioctyl sebacate, and the correlation coefficient was 0.992 1. The precision experiments showed that the results of IGC were accurate and reliable. IGC sample solubility parameter method to the sample evenly coated on the surface of the inert support to N2 gas as a carrier gas with different polar solvents isopropanol, toluene, acetone, chloroform, cyclohexane as a probe Needle, TCD detector temperature of 150 ℃, gasification chamber temperature of 120 ℃, using a similar headspace injection mode, whichever is the air 1μL into the GC measurement of air and probe molecules in the column retention time t0 and tR and Various parameters. According to the results of t0, tR and related parameters measured by the IGC method, the solubility parameter of Astragaloside IV was (21.02 ± 2.4) [J · cm-3] 1/2 and the reference value was 19.24 [J · cm-3 ] 1/2, the correlation coefficient of 0.984 5. The solubility parameters of IGC were valid and accurate.