Zika virus infection and its emerging trends in Southeast Asia

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong468
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Zika virus is a mosquito-borne flavivirus that represents a public health emergency at the ongoing epidemic.Previously,this rare virus was limited to sporadic cases in Africa and Asia until its emergence in Brazil,South America in 2015,where it rapidly spread throughout the world.Recently,a high number of cases were reported in Singapore and other Southeast Asia countries.A combination of factors explains the current Zika virus outbreak although it is highly likely that the changes in the climate and high frequency of travelling contribute to the spread of Aedes vector carrying the Zika virus mainly to the tropical climate countries such as the Southeast Asia.The Zika virus is known to cause mild clinical symptoms similar to those of dengue and chikungunya and transmitted by different species of Aedes mosquitoes.However,neurological complications such as Guillain-Barrésyndrome in adults,and congenital anomalies,including microcephaly in babies born to infected mothers,raised a serious concern.Currently,there is no specific antiviral treatment or vaccine available for Zika virus infection.Therefore,international public health response is primarily focused on preventing infection,particularly in pregnant women,and on providing up-to-date recommendations to reduce the risk of non-vector transmission of Zika virus. Zika virus is a mosquito-borne flavivirus that represents a public health emergency at the ongoing epidemic. Previously, this rare virus was limited to sporadic cases in Africa and Asia until its emergence in Brazil, South America in 2015, where it rapidly spread throughout the world.Recently, a high number of cases were reported in Singapore and other Southeast Asia countries. A combination of factors explains the current Zika virus outbreak though it is highly likely that the changes in the climate and high frequency of traveling contribute to the spread of Aedes vector carrying the Zika virus mainly to the tropical climate countries such as the Southeast Asia. The Zika virus is known to cause mild clinical symptoms similar to those of dengue and chikungunya and transmitted by different species of Aedes mosquitoes. Still, neurological complications such as Guillain-Barrésyndrome in adults, and congenital anomalies, including microcephaly in babies born to infected mothers, raised a serious concern.Currently, there is no specific antiviral treatment or vaccine available for Zika virus infection. Before, international public health response is registered on preventing infection, particularly in pregnant women, and on providing up-to-date recommendations to reduce the risk of non-vector transmission of Zika virus.
秋末初冬鱼塘水温开始下降,鱼类吃食旺盛,是鱼类生长的黄金季节,因此,加强成鱼池塘的管理是夺取养鱼高产的关键措施之一,必须把好以下“四关”。  一、投饵饲喂关 此时投饵要以精料为主,重点放在底层吃食鱼的催膘育肥上。同时要注意精料及粗料的搭配,保证饲料营养充分全面。草鱼要适当投喂青草和水草类,青鱼要投喂螺料类等,鲢鳙鱼还要适当施肥,施肥量应少量多次,且以无机肥为主,也要根据水的肥度及天气等情况具体掌
1、放养优质鱼种 优质鱼种生长速度快,对饲料的消化吸收率高。生产上,一定要注意选择性状优良、体表完整、体质健壮的鱼种。另外,在放养模式上,要突出主养鱼,适当搭配其他鱼类,这样就可选择适合于主养鱼营养需求的饲料投喂,提高饲料的利用率。  2、保证饲料的营养 投喂配合饲料是降低养鱼饲料成本的重要途径,配制饲料时,要根据主养鱼对营养的需要,选用合适的配方,既满足主养鱼的营养需要,又不浪费饲料。各类原料经
1、碳酸氢钠 在肉牛饲料中添加碳酸氢钠0.7%后,使瘤胃具有最佳的消化机能,提高9%的采食量,日增重提高10%以上。用碳酸氢钠66.7克、磷酸二氢钾33,3克组成的育肥缓冲剂,肥育第一期添加量占牛日粮干物质的1%,第二期添加0.8%,日增重可提高15.4%,精料消耗减少13.08%,并且消化系统疾病的发病率大为减少。  2、莫能菌素 又叫瘤胃素。每头牛每天100~360毫克混于精料中喂,或把混有莫
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脑脊髓丝虫病又称摇摆病,趔腰病,为山羊及绵羊的共患病。该病在夏末秋初容易发病,常给养殖场户造成严重损失。  一、症状    1、急性:病羊突然卧倒,不能起立。眼球上转,颈部肌肉强直或痉挛,而且表现倾斜。健肢抓褥草,呈现兴奋,骚乱及叫唤等神经症状。有时可见全身肌肉僵直、完全不能起立。由于卧地不起、头部不住地抽搐,致使眼球受到摩擦而充血,眼眶周围的皮肤被磨破,呈现显著的结膜炎。甚至发生外伤性角膜炎。 
一回家,弟弟又蹦又跳,惊喜地喊着告诉我:“姐姐,爸爸买了一只螃蟹,给咱俩玩。”这下不用隔三岔五地去超市看螃蟹了。  爸爸把螃蟹从袋子里拿出来。只见螃蟹用一根红白相间的像筷子一样粗细的棉绳绑着,有拳头那么大,像人犯了错误一样被绑得严严实实,嘴里还不停地吐泡泡,发出“啧啧啧”的声音,好像在说:“放开我,我是被冤枉的。”  爸爸把系(jì)在螃蟹背上的绳子解开,刚才还一动不动的螃蟹马上就显示出它的霸(b