1992年,我从北京师范大学学前教育专业毕业后,即投身于幼教事业的第一线——幼儿园的工作,开始了人生中的新起点。在这段时间里,我深深体验到幼教工作的甘苦,感慨良多。 记得我刚走进幼儿园,面对一张张活泼可爱的面孔时,心里又高兴又有些担忧,高兴的是生活在幼儿当中,那种愉快的心情是无法形容的,我可以切实、细致地观察每一个孩子。担忧的是虽然经过了大学4年的系统学习,对幼儿园的教
In 1992, after I graduated from Beijing Normal University in pre-primary education, I started to work in kindergarten, the first line of preschool education, and started a new starting point in my life. During this period of time, I deeply experienced the painful and uncomfortable behavior of preschool education. I remember when I first came to kindergarten, I was happy and worried about the faces when I was looking for a lively and lovely face. I was pleased to live in young children. The pleasant mood was unspeakable. I could observe it carefully and carefully Every child. Worry is that although after 4 years of university system learning, teaching kindergarten