Domestic tradition of Agaricus bisporus original species, cultivars of culture materials, should be pre-dumped heap fermentation. Then take the semi-matured forage, chopped, add accessories after bottling production. Not only needs a certain site, but also need a longer seed production time. The current foreign use of wheat seeds can be a better solution to this problem, but because of high cost, easy to pollute, sow the rat victims and other reasons, it is difficult to promote the production in our country. To this end, we conducted a raw material mushroom research work. (A) material strain Zhejiang farmers No. 1, set five kinds of formula: ① dry straw 60%, fresh wet cow dung 30%, rapeseed cake and corn flour 5%; ② 40% dry grass powder, fresh wet cow dung 50%, rapeseed cake and corn flour 5%; ③ cottonseed shell 90%, potato 10%; ④ corn flour 10%, mushroom waste 85%, superphosphate 3%, lime 2%; ⑤ control, fermented straw 78%, fermented cow dung 15%, rice bran 5%, calcium carbonate 2%.