伯基特氏淋巴瘤为一特殊点型的非何杰金氏淋巴瘤。本病在非洲多见,又好发于儿童,故又称非洲儿童淋巴瘤。此瘤最先由Burkitt氏报导,国内近年来共有10例个案报告。我院在81年收治1例,报告于下: 病历摘要患儿付××,男性,10岁。于1981年12月15日因右颌面肿胀,张口困难来口腔科求诊。其父诉自1978年春发现患儿右耳前肿块,后渐增大、不诉痛、不发热,曾用抗炎治疗无明显效果。1980年在某院切除,为“慢性淋巴结炎”。后又在当地用草药贴敷。-致局部破溃、结疤。1981年7月右面部明显肿大;10月起张口困难。患儿过去健康,智力好,否认有家族的恶性肿瘤史。
Burkitt’s lymphoma is a special point-type non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The disease more common in Africa, but also occur in children, it is also known as African children with lymphoma. This tumor was first reported by Burkitt’s, a total of 10 cases of domestic reports in recent years. In our hospital in 81 cases were treated in 1 case, the report is below: the summary of the medical records of children × ×, male, 10 years old. December 15, 1981 due to right maxillofacial swelling, mouth opening difficulties to dental consultation. His father complained of the right ear before the spring of 1978 the patient lumps, gradually increased, no complaints of pain, no fever, had no significant effect of anti-inflammatory treatment. Excision in a hospital in 1980, as “chronic lymphadenitis.” After the local application with herbs. - To local ulceration, scarring. In July 1981 the right side of the face was obviously swollen; Children in the past healthy, good intelligence, denied a family history of malignant tumors.