麦格劳-希尔教育出版公司(McGraw-Hill Education)成立于1888年,总部设在美国纽约,业务遍及全球30多个国家和地区。麦格劳-希尔教育出版公司是美国最有影响的教育图书出版公司之一,其麾下的McGraw-Hill Contemporary ELT,School Division,SRA,Glencoe出版社是全美最著名的教材出版与服务机构,每年出版逾700种新版各科类教材,更有近千种常备教材长盛不衰。McGraw-Hill ELT(English LanguageTeaching)教材是在为满足美国本土英语为非母语的学生英语学习需要的基础上发展起来的,利用大量的主学科教材资料融入英语教学,贴近生活语境,注重行为教学,优势突出。麦格劳-希尔教育出版公司在特别注重出版物的权威性、时代性的同时,尤其注重对教师的教学服务,遍布全球的营销服务与出版机构积极服务于当地教育事业的发展,共享全人类共同的知识财富。从今年第六期开始,《英语学习》与麦格劳-希尔教育出版公司合作推出书摘栏目,旨在向国内读者介绍优秀的外版图书。
Founded in 1888, McGraw-Hill Education is headquartered in New York, USA with operations in more than 30 countries and regions. McGraw-Hill Education Publishing Company is one of the most influential educational book publishing companies in the United States. McGraw-Hill Contemporary ELT, School Division, SRA and Glencoe Press are among the nation’s most prominent textbook publishing and service agencies. More than 700 kinds of new textbooks are published every year, and more than a thousand kinds of standing textbooks are growing in popularity. The McGraw-Hill ELT (English LanguageTeaching) textbook is developed to meet the English learning needs of native English-speaking students in the United States. By using a large amount of master’s subject textbook materials to integrate into English teaching, close to the context of life, and pay attention to behavioral teaching Outstanding advantages. While paying particular attention to the authoritativeness and the contemporary nature of publications, McGraw-Hill Educational Publishing Co., Ltd. pays special attention to the teaching of teachers and the global marketing services and publishing agencies actively serve the development of local education and share Common knowledge of human wealth. Beginning in the sixth issue of this year, English Learning has partnered with McGraw-Hill Education Publishing Co. to create a handout that aims to introduce excellent foreign books to domestic readers.