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  Among the seasoned hotel dwellers, there are certain hotels that are more than just a stopping place during the trip, but an elite abode bathed in fashion, art and class. This hotel is like a trustworthy friend guarding your "The other home", and a connoisseur that knows your taste and life well. Every visit becomes a joy, and you learn to love more.
  erfect Location
  循着英伦风经久不息的迷人魅力和极佳的住客口碑,酒店控特意“邂逅”了仰慕已久的伦敦卓美亚卡尔顿酒店。这座比邻海德公园的城市隐者占尽地利,在骑士桥中心区的斯隆街,周围被光彩夺目的高级购物中心环绕,步行即可抵达闻名遐迩的白金汉宫、英国自然历史博物馆和泰特美术馆。而位于这片精致、时髦、艺术气息浓郁的街区氛围中心的,便是由高低错落的两栋住宅式塔楼合并而成的卓美亚卡尔顿酒店。在如此寸土寸金的地段,酒店还为宾客呈现了一整片Cadogan Place私家花园的优美景致,也顺带将令人惊叹的伦敦城市天际线一并收入视野。如此大气到奢侈的手笔,也真是非一手缔造了迪拜帆船酒店传奇故事的顶级奢华品牌——卓美亚莫属。而诸多以时尚、音乐、艺术为主题的体验套餐也让酒店倍受品位人士青睐。
  Alongside the charm of the UK and the hotel's excellent guest feedback, Jumeirah Carlton Tower London is situated in the heart of fashionable Knightsbridge and located within walking distance of the prestigious department stores and the luxury designer boutiques lining Sloane Street. The capital's attractions such as Hyde Park, Buckingham Palace, the Natural History Museum and the Tate Gallery are all in close proximity. Consisted of two residential tower buildings, the hotel offers stunning views over London's skyline and the private gardens of Cadogan Place in this expensive neighborhood. Such luxurious gestures can only be afforded by the top luxury hotel brand Jumeirah that made the Dubai Burj Al Arab Jumeirah legend. The hotel's many fashion, art and music themed restaurants have also become the most visited space in town.
  mart Suites
  Under the "Jumeirah"logo plate, the door boy wearing a top hat welcomes you with his fine manner and smile. Through the glass revolving door with a bronze knob, you enter into this space of taste. And the journey of the senses starts with a plate of welcome fruit and towels sent over by the front desk lady.   On your way to the guest room, you take the see-through tourist elevator, where the views of gardens and meadows opened up beneath you. Until the sky stops right in front of you, excitement and joy came at you, and you can't wait to enter the room famous for its excellent views.
  The moment you step into the Royal suite facing the garden, the lights are turned on and the curtains are opened automatically, suddenly you sense the luxury of modernity, as if an outstanding but low profile English gentleman awaits your visit in quietude. With an area of 155 m?, the suite has living space, bedrooms, bathrooms and a well fitted kitchen with a 10-seat dining area. In the suite, there are wooden floor paved with carpet, a living room tea table with polished surface, sophisticated fabrics, and decorations intermixed with mirror, metal and marble. The overall grey color tone is laced with mature purple, and the flower art exudes atmospheres fitted for a lady. All different materials, styles and colors are arranged in harmony in the same space, showing the unequaled attention to details and its natural excellence.
  Standing next to the wall-to-wall windows, the beautiful London skyline is at hand. Here you can enjoy the splendid sunglow and sunset, as if you were sleeping among the clouds. This is the time to enjoy a glass of champagne with your loved one, not to miss the beautiful time together.
  pgrade Your Stay
  酒店聘请著名的Lynne Hunt 事务所将客房在室内装饰与智能化设施上全面升级改造,无论是现代感家居的引入,空间格局提升,全套智能视听和安保设施安装,还是世界级自然睡眠引领品牌COCO-MAT 睡床的配备,皆是致力于为宾客提供更具品质的全方位居停享受。而自1961年酒店开业以来就恒久不变的,依然是细致入微的服务和温暖愉悦的氛围。
  无论是周末购物、看艺术展之余来酒店品味The Rib Room酒吧餐厅的美食美酒,到Chinoiserie酒廊伴着优美的竖琴演奏享用纯正英式下午茶;还是带上家人专程来酒店度过一个慵懒舒适的周末,从满溢晨光的套房中醒来,享用丰盛的客房送餐后,再到The Peak这座俯瞰伦敦市景的康体与水疗中心享受极致舒适的肌肤护理,体验按摩冲浪浴池,或是模拟高尔夫,也可以到私家花园漫步、骑行;又或者在某个繁忙的工作日晚上,换上精致的礼服,到酒店赴一场雅致的晚宴或社交舞会,在这里,你都可以慢下来,全然放松自己,用心体会典雅又别致的英伦休闲时光。
  The hotel's guest rooms underwent extensive refurbishment with design by leading agency Lynne Hunt London. Now the new rooms utilise modern furniture, such as COCO-MAT beds, and state-of-the-art technology, such as audio and visual security facilities, to enhance guest comfort. However, the meticulous service and warm joyous vibe have not changed since its opening in 1961.
  After a weekend shopping or an art gallery run, you can drop by for the cuisine and wines in The Rib Room, or enjoy the authentic English afternoon tea in the Chinoiserie lounge listening to the harp performance. You can also spend an easy weekend here with your family, wake up amidst the sunlight, enjoy breakfast in your room, then visit swimming pool or golf simulator course, you may also choose to walk or ride in the private garden; or perhaps you can dress yourself up on a busy week night, and treat yourself to a dinner party or social ball in the hotel. Here, you can truly relax and slow down, be yourself and savor the authentic English pastime.
  Space has boundaries, but experiences break out of it. Residing both at the center and the summit of the city, Jumeirah Carlton Tower continues to exceed expectation of the guests, leading a versatile and smart urban lifestyle, and bringing sophistication, fashion, health and well-being to its passionate guests
勃艮第的葡萄酒基本都是单一品种酿造的,无论红葡萄酒还是白葡萄酒,这需要酿酒师更高的酿酒功底,需要更高的对品种和风土的理解能力;而波尔多大多以混酿为主,讲求不同品种的调配,利用各品种在同一年份的不同表现让酒达到理想化。  勃艮第只对葡萄田分级,这更强调了风土的作用,不像波尔多只对酒庄分级。这里的品种更少,基本是单一品种酿造。这里的每一口酒都浓缩了收获当年的气候情况、葡萄园的风土特征、酒农对葡萄的悉心
兰卡威瑞吉酒店坐落于马来西亚的“自然天堂”兰卡威岛,长约600米的白色沙滩如同一道银边镶嵌在酒店周围,碧波浩瀚的安达曼海和大面积热带绿植更是令人心旷神怡的天然背景画。 酒店内设有4座私人水上别墅和85间豪华套房,是岛上第一家全套房豪华度假酒店。 每间套房都经过设计师的巧妙设计,坐拥唯美海景,内饰奢华并饰有当地艺术家的精选画作。除此之外,酒店内还拥有6间餐厅和酒吧以及瑞吉酒店品牌标志性的铱瑞水疗中心
作为纽约地标建筑的纽约千禧联合国酒店于今年8月30日加入希尔顿酒店集团旗下,成为希尔顿酒店品牌在纽约的第七家酒店,更名纽约希尔顿千禧联合国酒店。新酒店將由希尔顿酒店集团管理,业主仍为千禧酒店及度假村集团。  该地标酒店紧邻联合国总部大楼,是世界各国领导人、外交官和政府首脑的下榻之所。酒店自2012年以来历经价值6800万美元的翻新,除标志性的建筑外观和设计大师凯文·罗奇的原设计予以保留之外,酒店的
SKYE Hotel Suites Parramatta于8月1日正式开业,为悉尼西区带来了无与伦比的城市奢华之感。酒店的正式营业也标志着皇冠房地产集团正式进军五星级酒店市场。  SKYE Hotel Suites 设有72间公寓式套房,配有最优质的定制家具和配件。 每间客房均配有欧舒丹(L'Occitane)洗浴用品,现代化客房餐厅,以及独特的双面床墊,可以根据客人需求选择软硬程度。  SKYE
温德姆酒店集团为完善中档酒店品牌,以1.7亿美元收购了位于美国明尼苏达州的AmericInn酒店及其管理公司Three Rivers Hospitality。AmericInn酒店将成为该公司的第20个酒店品牌,成为温德姆1500家中档酒店组合的一部分。  AmericInn拥有200家专营酒店,包括美国21个州的1.16萬个房间,主要在美国中西部,俄亥俄州、明尼苏达州、威斯康星州、爱荷华州、密歇
香港美利大厦由英国现代主义建筑师Ron Phillips于1969年设计,以其独特三层高拱廊及嵌入式窗户而闻名,一直以来为城中早期可持续及高能源效益设计的表表者。此次,将于2017年底开幕的The Murray, Hong Kong, 由尼依格罗酒店联手全球知名设计事务所Foster + Partners打造的全新设计概念,这座近半个世纪的地标性建筑重新定义国际豪华酒店的体验。酒店造价达十亿美元,
2017年7月6日,全球著名的地标酒店伦敦 The Grosvenor House Hotel 的房产近日被美国房地产投资公司 Ashkenazy Acquisition Corp 收购,具体交易条款尚未披露。  The Grosvenor House Hotel 建造于 20世纪 20年代,于 1929年在伦敦 Mayfair 的 Park Lane 正式营业,是世界知名的奢侈酒店。目前由萬豪集
2017年7月13日,刚开始试业的澳门罗斯福酒店,受旧好莱坞永远炫酷、彻底诱惑的启发,于这亚洲娱乐之都成为万众注目的新酒店。这个五星级酒店的房间由专业设计师打造,将南加州浮华之地的魅力缩影首次带到澳门,为澳门带来另一种迷人的生活態度及体验。  正如其他现代经典之作,澳门罗斯福酒店以一丝不苟的细节取胜,而负责这项设计的就是洛杉矶设计师Gulla Jónsdóttir。澳门罗斯福酒店配备368间精致客