Research on the Teaching Reform of Business English Major under the Talent Demand of “Belt and Road”

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  Abstract:The “Belt and Road” construction is based on the idea of economic and trade as the main carrier.This paper analyzes the demand for composite business English professionals under the background of “Belt and Road” and puts forward some suggestions for the reform of business English teaching in colleges.
  Key words:“Belt and Road”;talent demand;business English;teaching reform
  The “Belt and Road Initiative” plan is a key step in China’s implementation of the policy of scale.As a strategic resource,business English talents shoulder important responsibilities in the “Belt and Road” program.It is difficult for college English teaching to rely on the existing talent training model to meet the demand.Therefore,it is necessary to accelerate the pace of English teaching reform and optimize the current Talent training model.
  1.The demand characteristics of business English talents under the guidance of “Belt and Road” plan
  With the implementation of the “ Belt and Road” plan,the foreign trade market in southwestern China has further expanded and gradually extended to countries in West Asia.In this context,the English compound talents cultivated by colleges and universities are further required to have strong intellectual knowledge,imagination and innovation ability in addition to profound English professional knowledge and broad vision.
  2.The status quo of the cultivation of business English professionals in China
  2.1 Departing from the market to develop actual needs
  As far as the current teaching situation in colleges and universities is concerned,domestic business English majors are mainly based on language and economic subjects.The students lack the knowledge of the actual business aspects and are not qualified for the actual job requirements.
  2.2 Too much emphasis on theoretical basic teaching
  The teaching content of the existing business English course system in colleges and universities is mostly outdated,and the teaching cases are out of line with the latest international trade market development trend,and the practical significance is not great.In the process of teaching,teachers focus on theoretical teaching,neglect practical teaching,and do not combine the various links in international trade business activities.
  3.Teaching Reform of Business English Major Based on the Demand of Talents in the Belt and Road
  3.1"Infiltration" Teaching to Cultivate Intercultural Communication Talents   For the cultivation of intercultural communication talents along the line,business English majors can fully adopt the “infiltration” teaching method to cultivate students’ intercultural communication ability.In practical teaching,for some language courses,the whole English teaching mode is adopted to guide students to think in English and express their opinions in English so that students are immersed in a full English language atmosphere.
  3.2 Modular curriculum to train new foreign trade talents
  We can adapt the professional curriculum to three modules:Business English Language Application Module,Business Basic Knowledge Module and Foreign Trade Business Operation Module.The Business English Language Application Module mainly cultivates students’ business English application basic skills,including five aspects of business English listening,speaking,reading,writing and translating.Business basic knowledge module mainly helps students understand and master relevant international trade rules and regulations,trade regulations,etc.The business operation module mainly cultivates and improves students' foreign trade business operation skills.The courses include foreign trade correspondence,business English translation,international business document operation,and business oral training.The entire curriculum follows a step-by-step principle,from foundation to skill,and English language and business knowledge blend with each other.Students learn business in English while training English language skills in business situations.
  The “Belt and Road” is a grand strategy of strategic,long-term,high-level and all-round.The business English major should fulfill its duties and provide talent protection for the smooth implementation and promotion of the “One Belt,One Road” strategy.
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1.0 introduction  Prestressed concrete may be a sort of structural element made from concrete and high tensile steel used primarily in advanced structures.It became common in Europe after World War II
摘 要:随着互联网技术的发展和人们对英语的重视程度增加,英语学习也呈现出不同以往的特点,慕课就是英语学习中出现的新鲜事物之一。慕课有着传统英语课堂教学没有的优势,本文在分析介绍慕课资源的基础上,进一步探讨当前大学英语教学困境,并有针对性的提出慕课资源下大学英语教学改革策略,期望可以促进大学英语教学的发展。  关键词:慕课;大学英语;教学改革  前言  云计算和互联网的发展使得慕课迅速发展,这一模式
摘 要:德育教育就是教师在教学中教学生学会做人的教学活动。它主要在于培养幼儿的品质与道德素养,每个孩子的德育应该从他接触幼儿教育时就应重视起来。每个孩子都是祖国未来建设的主要力量,因此应重视幼儿教育,在幼儿教育当中渗透德育教育。让幼儿从小拥有良好的道德品质,是幼儿教育持续发展的过程,在实际教学过程中,教师可以在学生日常生活、学习中树立榜样,并与家长建立合作,在双方通力合作的前提下,促进幼儿健康成长
摘 要:护理工作是医疗卫生工作的重要组成部分,护理工作在医疗卫生领域具有重要的作用,常言说:“三分治疗、七分护理 ”是对护理工作重要性的高度概括。本文通过临床护理工作和中职护理教育的实践的对比,总结了两者之间存在的差异。  关键词:临床护理;护理教学;学生  护理工作是医疗卫生工作的重要组成部分,护理人员的道德水平和技术水平,关系到能否协调医生、护士、病人三者的关系,直接影响着医疗质量。护理工作具
摘 要:跟随新课改的新方针与新道路,现阶段的小学数学教育强调“以学生为主体,注重学生多方面成长,培养学生学习兴趣,提高学生综合素质”这一指导路线。而基础的数学计算能力则是每个学生都不可或缺的能力之一,加之小学阶段是数学思维可塑性较好的阶段,良好的数学计算能力有助于帮助学生提升思考深度和广度,从而有效地提高学生数学思维的逻辑性性和辩证性,帮助学生长久的发展。  关键词:小学生;中年级;数学计算能力;
摘 要:心理学的研究表明,学生注意力涣散是影响学生学习成绩的重要心理因素。它往往导致学生思维不深入,观察力不细致,进而造成学习成绩不理想。尤其是低年级的学生,上课时漫不经心,注意力分散,就直接影响了课堂效率,课内预期的目标不能完成。  关键词:识字教学;将生词;缓解疲劳;积极性  一、巧设课前导语,吸引学生的注意力  “在任何活动中,人们最容易记住开头和结尾的信息。”因而我们要根据学生的心理特点巧
摘 要:在《语文新课程标准》中强調学生是学习和发展的主体,现代教学提倡素质教育,但是教师在课堂教学中仍然存在各种问题,课堂学习内容不够全面,没有掌握正确的学习方式,导致学生对课堂知识的学习停留在表面,一味学习浅层次的知识,没有做到对知识的扩展延伸。语文课程综合性强,把语文教学与现实生活结合起来,从而达到知识与实践的目标,提升学生的核心素养。教师应该提供学生实践运用的机会,给予学生展示自己的平台。教
摘 要:小学数学应用题是其重要的组成部分,小学生其心理与生理属于正在发展的阶段,有着的较强的可塑性,应用题可以有效培养小学生们的逻辑思维能力与解决问题的能力。随着社会的快速发展,国家政府对教育也逐渐重视。因此,小学数学教学也将面临着新时代所带来的挑战。本文主要分析小学数学应用题教学现状,并进一步阐述有效的教学对策。  关键词:小学数学;应用题;教学对策;分析  在小学数学教育教学中,应用题属于一种
摘 要:写作能力的锻炼和培养是小学语文教学的重中之重,写作能力的养成需要经过长期的素材积累方可完成,通过层递式教学模式,可以激发出学生的创作欲望,让他们对写作产生浓厚的兴趣,以此来提升学生的表达能力与创新能力。本文针对层递式教学在小学语文写作教学中的应用提出自己的看法。  关键词:层递式教学;小学语文;写作教学;应用  在小学语文教学中,写作是一个重中之重,在写作教学中,要从学生的兴趣、爱好出发,
摘 要:与传统的教学理念相比,服装设计需要的教学理念更加新颖,以此来满足学生学习以及就业的需要。但现如今的状况是,中职服装设计的教学方法比较落后,很大程度上仍受传统教学方法的影响,这就导致培养出的服装设计的学生不能适应市场的需求。基于此,中职院校的领导阶层及教师阶层应该及时的从不同角度进行反思,以此来改进服装设计的教学方法,并使学生在不断创新的教学方法中全面提升自己的综合素质,逐步的适合人才市场的