1 品种来源巴粳 3号 (原代号 91 - 4)由新疆农科院核生所选用优质水稻品种陆小町 ,通过同位素CO60 r—射线1 86 .9Gy剂量 ,照射干种子 ,经南繁加代后 ,选出的优良株系。 1 990年又选用金麻粘作母本 ,辐射后代2 - 2 9株系作父本进行人工杂交 ,在其后代中选出优良的单株 ,
1 Varieties of origin Bageng 3 (formerly 91 - 4) selected by the Nuclear Medicine Institute of Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences Lu Kou-chu of high-quality varieties of rice, through the isotope CO60 r-ray 1 86 .9Gy dose, irradiated dried seeds, , Selected good strains. In 1990, Jinma sticky was selected as the female parent and radiant offspring from 2 to 29 lines were crossed with male parents to select excellent individuals in their offspring.