敬爱的毛主席: 我们出席长江水利委员会首届劳动模范代表大会的全体代表,以无限感激的心情,谨向您——我们最敬爱的领袖和导师,致以最崇高的敬意! 解放几年来,由於以您为首的中国共产党的正确领导,我们在长江水利建设事业中,做了一些工作,并取得了一些成绩和经验,我们的思想觉悟和技术、文化水平也有了一定的提高。这次,我们被评为出席全江首届劳动模范代表大会的代表,感到无上的光荣。我们深深的认识到,这全是由於有了共产党和您的培养教育与英明领导的结果。
Dear Chairman Mao: With all your gratitude and indebtedness to all the representatives of the First Model Worker Conference of the Yangtze River Water Conservancy, we pay our highest tribute to you, our beloved leaders and teachers! In the past few years since liberation, With the correct leadership of the Chinese Communist Party led by you, we have done some work in the cause of building the Yangtze River water conservancy and have achieved some successes and experiences. Our ideological consciousness and technical and cultural standards have also been somewhat improved. This time, we were honored as the delegates attending the first model worker conference in Quanjiang. We are deeply aware that it is all due to the Communist Party and your training and education as a wise leader.