18名外地打工妹日前在沈阳的一起劳动纠纷中胜诉。 1993年7月,经辽宁西丰县劳动服务公司职业介绍所介绍,该县赵雪等18名农村女青年来到沈阳市联营毛纺织厂精纺车间做挡车工,双方签订了劳动合同,并经沈阳市劳动部门鉴证。合同期从1993年8月1日到1994年8月1日,规定18人以计件形式领取工资。入厂后,打工妹们按有关规定,每人交给厂里合同抵押金200元,在此期间,沈阳联营毛纺织厂单方决定将合同抵押金转成了风险抵押金。 1994年8月1日,也就是为期一年的合同期满当日,毛纺织厂以这18名打工妹入厂以来完不成生产定额为由,决定对她们予以除名处理,并从每人应得工资中扣除200元,作为对工厂的经济赔
18 foreign migrant workers recently won a labor dispute in Shenyang. In July 1993, introduced by the employment agency of the labor service company in Xifeng County, Liaoning, 18 rural women, including Zhao Xue and others, came to the worsted workshop of the wool spinning mill affiliated to Shenyang City to work as a lathe worker. Both parties signed the labor contract and passed the labor contract Shenyang labor department authentication. The contract period was from August 1, 1993 to August 1, 1994, stipulating that 18 people should receive their wages in the form of piece-rate pieces. After entering the factory, the migrant workers according to the relevant provisions of each person to the factory contract to pay a deposit of 200 yuan, during which the joint venture of Shenyang Textile Mill unilaterally decided to turn the contract deposit into a risk mortgage. On August 1, 1994, the expiry date of the one-year contract, the wool textile mill decided to de-name the 18 working-class girls, The deduction of 200 yuan salary, as the factory’s economic losses