团体人身保险赔偿金.根据合同性质、当事人约定或者法律规定不得转让,现实中如果将团意险的索赔权转让会引起法律纠纷。案情简介2013年5月22日,L保安公司向Y保险公司为201名的员工投保了团体人身意外伤害保险,保险期限为一年,自2013年5月22日零时起至2014年5月21日24时止,每人意外身故保险金额20万元。意外残疾保险金额1 0万元,意外伤害医疗保险金额10000元,意外伤害住院补
According to the nature of the contract, the parties agree or the law shall not be transferred, in reality, if the transfer of the claims of the group intention insurance will cause legal disputes. Case Briefing On May 22, 2013, L Security insured Group Personal Accident Insurance for 201 employees of Y Insurance Company for one year from zero on May 22, 2013 until May 2014 At 24:00 on the 21st only, each accidental death insurance amount of 200,000 yuan. Accidental disability insurance amount of 10 million, the amount of accidental injury medical insurance 10000 yuan, accidental injury hospital fill