智能化装配系统是柔性制造系统(FMS)的一个重要组成部分,对其进行全面而深入的分析将有助于FMS的规划、优化和实施.本文将通过对一般装配过程的分析,提出其作业任务空间的概念,并基于这一概念讨论智能化装配系统的结构和相应的关键技术.1 装配作业的过程和任务图1是在对几条生产线进行全面调整的基础上总结出来的一般装配过程的流程图.这是一个物流框图,物流方向基本上是从选配到安装,但为了达到总体的性能要求,二者往往是交互的.这里,将零部件的输入到整机输出的全过程考虑为装配过程,适当拓广了装配的含义,使之包活了各种检测功能.
The intelligent assembly system is an important part of the flexible manufacturing system (FMS), and its comprehensive and in-depth analysis will help FMS planning, optimization and implementation.This article will analyze the general assembly process, put forward its operations Task space, and based on this concept to discuss the structure of intelligent assembly system and the corresponding key technology.1 Assembly process and tasks Figure 1 is based on a comprehensive adjustment of several production lines to summarize the general assembly process Of the flow chart.This is a logistics diagram, the direction of logistics is basically from matching to installation, but in order to achieve the overall performance requirements, the two are often interactive.Here, the parts input to the whole process of output Considered the assembly process, the appropriate extension of the meaning of the assembly, so that the package live a variety of detection capabilities.