大家简介周鲁卫,教授,博士生导师。 1973—1977 年在复旦大学物理系学习,1986 年获美国天普大学博士学位,1986 年至美国加州大学洛杉矶分校做博士后研究。主持和参加了多项国家自然科学基金项目,主要研究方向为软凝聚态物理、生物医学物理等。现任上海市物理学会理事长。采访周鲁卫教授的时间被安排在了暑假的最后一个礼拜,除了偶尔走过的几个学生和手拿相机的游客,复旦大学的校园里静悄悄的。穿过种满梧桐树的林荫道,最后在恒隆物理楼的一间办公室里,我们见到了曾担任复旦大学副校长的周教授。
Everyone profile Zhou Lu Wei, professor, doctoral tutor. 1973-1977 studied physics at Fudan University, PhD from Temple University in 1986 and postdoctoral research at UCLA in 1986. Hosted and participated in a number of National Natural Science Foundation projects, the main research directions for the soft condensed matter physics, biomedical physics. Incumbent Shanghai Institute of physics chairman. Interview with Professor Zhou Luru time was arranged in the last week of the summer holidays, except for the occasional few students and hand-held camera tourists, Fudan University campus quiet. Through the boulevard with plane trees, we finally saw Professor Zhou, who was the vice chancellor of Fudan University, in an office in Hang Lung Physics Building.