面对新世纪的挑战与机遇 ,经过五次大的理性思考 ,提出了“高新科技 +人文关怀 =绿色医院”的崭新模式 ,精心构筑“一个思路”、“两大基石”、“三大目标”的整体框架 ;扎实组织全院同志实施“六大行动” ,使院容院貌发生了巨大变化 ,医院建设迈上了新的台阶。实践证明 ,“绿色医院”是符合时代发展趋势的成功模式
Faced with the challenges and opportunities of the new century, after five times of rational thinking, we proposed a brand-new model of “high and new technology + humanistic care = green hospital” and carefully constructed “one idea”, “two cornerstones” and “three goals The overall framework of the organization; the solid implementation of the “community action” by the Comrades of the entire hospital has brought about tremendous changes in the appearance of hospitals and the construction of hospitals has taken a new stage. Practice has proved that “green hospital” is a successful model that meets the development trend of the times