在举世瞩目的亚特兰大奥运会上,少数裁判在众目睽睽之下公然利用手中大权,给一致看好的优秀选手亮出了低分或红牌,使其与金牌无缘。人们无限感慨:奥运精神将被滚滚而来的金钱所淹没,在体育运动越来越商业化的过程中,坚持公正将越来越艰难。 无独有偶,在“哈尔滨之夏”期间举办的全国声乐比赛中,亚特兰大某些裁判的丑恶行径竟在这里重现。固然,不能因亚特兰大少数裁判的丑恶而否定整个亚特兰大奥运会,同样也不能以少数评委的行为论整个声乐比赛的得失,毕竟瑕不掩瑜。但少数评委的问题并非“一日之寒’,且已呈愈演愈烈之势。如何健全
At the Atlanta Olympics, which attracted worldwide attention, a few referees openly made use of their power in full view and showed low scores or red cards to unanimously promising elite players, leaving them no chance of winning the gold medal. People have endless emotions: the Olympic spirit will be overwhelmed by the money billowing, sport more and more in the commercialization process, adhere to justice will be more and more difficult. Coincidentally, during the national vocal competition held during the Summer of Harbin, some ugly remarks by Atlanta rehearsed here. Of course, the entire Atlanta Olympics should not be denied because of the ugly Atlanta referees. Nor can we count the pros and cons of the vocal competition with a few judges. However, the problem of a few judges is not “a cold day” and has become more and more serious.