The Childlike Interpretation in Elizabeth Bishop’s Poem “First Death in Nova Scotia”

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  【Abstract】“Interpretation” is a prominent theme in Elizabeth Bishop’s poem “First Death in Nova Scotia”. It is from a child’s perspective that Bishop observes and interprets the death of her cousin. However, during the process of interpretation, the chromographs cause misinterpretation and fail to provide the whole picture. At the same time, there are many literary features such as simile, metaphor, imagery and so on. Bishop also tries to understand what is happening by means of association, imagination and assumption.
  【Key words】Interpretation; Misinterpretation
  【作者简介】Chenlu Wu(1999. 06-), female, Han, born in Xiangyang, Hubei Province, an undergraduate student in Class 1701 of International Chinese Education in Chinese College of Jiangsu University, the main direction of research: intercultural communication, Chinese ancient literature and elementary textbooks.
  【基金項目】This research is a phased achievement of the practical innovation training program for college students of Jiangsu University in 2019.
  Elizabeth Bishop’s “First Death in Nova Scotia” involves readers in the process of interpretation, endeavoring to understand death out of details. During that process, photographs fail to provide the whole situation and tend to cause misinterpretation, showing their limitations. This essay will firstly analyze how Bishop interprets her cousin’s death, and then come to the limitations of photographic knowledge. It is from a child’s perspective that she tries to make sense of death by means of association, imagination, assumptions and so on.
  1. The Process of Interpretation
  1.1 The General Impression
  At first, Little Bishop makes some associations, since it is difficult for a young girl who has never attended a funeral before to understand what death is. In the “cold parlor” (1), she sees some objects and naturally make mental connections. What is above Arthur’s coffin is chromographs of royalty and there is “a stuffed loon”(8)beside the coffin. Then Bishop is attracted by the loon, observing it carefully.
  1.2 The Stuffed Loon
  The concrete and vivid depict of the dead loon implies little Arthur and the loon are similar to each other to some extent. The personification of the bird leads to confusion and misinterpretation. Little Bishop’s childlike fantasy can be seen from “Since Uncle Arthur fired/a bullet into him, /he hadn’t said a word” (11-13). The use of pronouns such as “him” (12)and “he” (13) seems to provide the bird with the ability to speak and act. Bishop imagines that the loon has something to say but it fails, because it has been lifeless, just like the dead and quiet boy. The purpose of mentioning “Uncle Arthur” (11) here is unknown, but readers are likely to connect the shooting to the funeral and think about the reason of little Arthur’s death, the harsh and cruel reality. The girl’s imagination continues in the following lines. The “white, frozen lake” (15) is a metaphor for “the marble-topped table” (16). Although the loon is in the parlor, little Bishop can’t help imaging its inhabitant in nature instead of the room. As to the imagery of “white” (15) and “red” (19), on one hand, they symbolize purity and vitality; on the other hand, they have connotations of death and blood, yet little Bishop might fail to think of that scene deeply and regards it as interesting simply.   1.3 The Contact with the Coffin
  When Bishop comes near little Arthur who lies in little coffin, the presence of the coffin seems strange and unfamiliar to Bishop, thus she makes the following connections between the strange coffin and some common objects. “Arthur’s coffin was /a little frosted cake” (27-28)is a simile. The little girl can not help connecting his coffin with a “frosted cake” (29)which is more familiar to young children. The imagery of white and “red” (29) appears again in front of Bishop’s eyes. What she gives to her cousin is “one lily of the valley” (25), which looks tiny and delicate, easy for the little girl to hold in her hands. The lily represents not only death but purity and blessing, so it is suitable for a little boy’s funeral. In terms of red, Bishop imagines that “the red-eyed loon eyed it /from his white, frozen lake” (29-30). She personifies the bird again by using the pronoun “his” (30) and even feels the poor bird desires the delicious cake that is actually a coffin. Therefore, the cold funeral may become a little more relaxing and interesting, and the death seems to become easier to understand.
  1.4 The Fairy Tale of Jack Forest
  In the fourth stanza, little Arthur’s perpetual state of lifelessness seems to be known and accepted by little Bishop. The childlike simile here shows the innocent girl’s process of observing and comprehending. She connects her little cousin with one item that is popular among children. She feels that he is “like a doll, that hadn’t been painted yet” (32-33). In addition, little Bishop thinks of fairy tales. She assumes that it is Jack Frost who always paints maple leaves in autumn, but he fails to paint Arthur red completely and leaves “him white, forever”(40). The imagery of “white” (40) here implies that it is impossible for little Arthur to come back to life. The word “forever” (40) shows the young girls understands the opinion of mortality and the fact that Arthur is gone forever.
  1.5 The Afterlife of Little Arthur
  In the ending lines of the poem, Bishops imagines the afterlife of her cousin to make sense of death, but is still a little confused. She pays attention to “The gracious royal couples” (41) once again as she does in the beginning of the poem. There is a contrast between the “warm” (42) royal and the cold little boy. Bishop imagines little Arthur as “the smallest page at court” (46) who can live a wealthy and glorious life, which is not completely impossible. However, Bishop raises a question as to if it is possible for her cousin to live with royalty in his afterlife in the case of his lifelessness. The imagery of “red” (42) and white “lily” (48) and “snow” (50) reveals the harsh reality that poor Arthur is unable to live as heavenly life like “gracious” (41). Bishop seems to come to realize that a dead person will never come back to life after passing away.   2. The Limitations of Photographic Knowledge: Misinterpretation Caused by Chromographs
  However, during the process of interpretation, photographic knowledge shows its limitations. According to Susan Sontag’s “In Plato’s Cave”, photographs are likely to provide “a semblance of knowledge” (24). More specifically, the photographs in Bishop’s poem and Yong’s poem run a risk of providing incomplete information and leading to misinterpretation.
  2.1 The Failure to Provide the Whole Picture
  The chromographs cause little Bishop’s misinterpretation during the process of her childlike interpretation. At first, the chromophotos don’t provide much information for Bishop to understand and what is happening and what the funeral means, so she turns to other objects for comprehension. Compared to the dead loon, the white lily and something like that, the chromographs are not that relavent to the funeral. Bishop doesn’t know why that kind of colorful item are put in the cold and pale parlor. The connection and purpose is confusing. Other items in the parlor are more informative.
  2.2 The Misguidance of Photographs
  Nevertheless, the colourful photos are so conspicuous in contrast to the drab and “cold parlor”(1) that they impress themselves on her mind. The last stanza echoes the chromographs at the beginning of the poem. Photos mislead Bishop when she turns her attention to them again. She imagines what kind of afterlife her dead cousin might have. The royalty in the colourful photos seems to take little Arthur to the wealthy court and bring him a colourful life. However, after a long process of endeavoring to make sense of the funeral, the girl comes to know that the death of her cousin means that he will not go to the court or heaven, and he will keep lying in the coffin quietly forever.
对于家门口的南海,迄今为止仍没有一家旅行社获得运营资格——“不要说带团登岛了,就是组织游客出海一趟都很难”。  据在此有过潜水经历的人说,“永兴岛附近一半是水,一半是鱼,海底繁茂的珊瑚给人一种置身马尔代夫的错觉”。  “未曾绽放即枯萎”,这是不少旅游开发人士对南海旅游现状的评价。评价很有些悲观色彩,但事实却也如此——由于始终被“领土争端”之内的问题困扰,南海旅游始终是一个“雷池”,让人难以逾越。 
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【摘要】二语习得“关键期假设”近年来引起了人们的热议。其三个核心问题分别为“关键期是否存在”“关键期为何存在”“关键期存在于何时”。 本文对以下几方面进行了研究并总结,包括“关键期假设”的理论基础,二语习得“关键期假设”提出之后支持派和反对派这两种不同的观点,从而得出二语学习的启示。  【关键词】二语习得;关键期假设;理论研究  【作者简介】宋佳音(1995.12-),女,河南焦作人,西藏民族大学
【摘要】“一带一路”倡议与沿线各国发展经济合作伙伴关系,共同打造政治互信、经济融合、文化包容的利益共同体、责任共同体和命运共同体,为中原地区的发展提供机遇与挑战,对中原文化对外传播起着重要的意义。中原文化对外传播途径的创新研究,可以增强中原文化对外传播的力度和深度,促进中原经济区的发展,进而促进“一带一路”的发展。  【关键词】“一带一路”;中原文化;对外传播;意义;途径  【作者简介】代美丽(1
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【摘要】在当下的初中教学中应用多媒体教学设备,有利于提高学生们的学习兴趣,激发学生们的学习潜力,为学生们创设一定的英语情境。但是,当下的初中英语教学存在评价形式单一、疏于指导等问题。因此,本文通过对这些问题的分析,提出了在初中英语教学中如何更高效地应用信息技术教学设备提高英语课堂教学效率,促进学生全面发展的策略和方法。  【关键词】初中英语;英语教学;信息化;教学研究  【Abstract】The
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【摘要】英语是初中阶段的一门重要学科,在初中阶段开展英语教学主要是帮助学生打好基础,提升学生的语言能力,激发出学生对于英语这门课程的学习兴趣。利用分层教学模式开展初中英语教学,能够有效地提升英语教学的教学质量和学科效率,为学生打造初中英语高效课堂,使每一位学生都能够在英语学习过程中有所获、有所得。本文将围绕分层教学模式下的初中英语高效课堂展开探讨,希望能够为广大同行提供一定的参考。  【关键词】分