【摘 要】
New legislation helps to address the issue of domestic violenceOn March 8,Guo Jianmei,a Beijing-based lawyer and advocate for women’s rights,welcomed the annou
New legislation helps to address the issue of domestic violenceOn March 8,Guo Jianmei,a Beijing-based lawyer and advocate for women’s rights,welcomed the announcement of a legislative plan that she believes is a great boon to those suffering from maltreatment by family members.That day,top legislator Zhang Dejiang announced that China will speed up the drafting of
New legislation helps to address the issue of domestic violenceOn March 8, Guo Jianmei, a Beijing-based lawyer and advocate for women’s rights, welcomed the announcement of a legislative plan that she believes is a great boon to those suffering from maltreatment by family members. That day, top legislator Zhang Dejiang announced that China will speed up the drafting of
Growth Target Mao Shoulong, Executive deputy director of the Academy of Public Policy, Renmin University of China The growth target set for this year is lower than it was in the past, reflecting wha
一、导言 大型商业银行系指工行、农行、中行、建行、交行五家国有控股的大型股份制银行。二级分行系指大型商业银行市(地、州)级分行,并不包含省会城市中心城市行和少数东部发达地区地市级分行。 本文通过深入学习关于矛盾论等的观点,试图利用该观点和方法,认真分析和研究当前大型商业银行二级分行经营管理过程中存在的问题和面临的挑战,按照主要矛盾和非主要矛盾之间、矛盾的主要方面和非主要方面之间相互转化的变化,
The Year of China in South Africa will have far-reaching cultural and business benefitsOne of Africa’s leading economies and the world’s largest developing co
【摘要】本文围绕军队工程建设财务管理问题,重点探讨其现状和必要性问题。 【关键词】军队工程 财务管理 科学化 我军全面深化改革已经逐步推进,随之一些相配套的工程建设任务越来越重,为保证各项建设任务的圆满完成,在工程动态实施过程中的经费如何保障还是一个新课题。大家知道,工程建设经费投资数额大、时效性强、中间环节少、资金风险高,且处在不断变化的动态过程中,不同于正常的财务经费保障有成熟的模式遵循。