Mankind has been fighting stubbornly with this demon, but for decades, it has been paying a small sum of money, with little success. Now, between 6 million and 7 million cancer patients die each year, that is, every six seconds, a living life is taken away by the tumor. In China, there are 1.05 million cancer patients each year, accounting for the total number of deaths in the country. 15%, the tumor is the first cause of death in our country’s population aged 20-64 years, and it is the main cause of intellectual and labor forces in our country, especially the loss of optimal intelligence and labor. Before the bed of cancer patients, the most talkative person will feel that they have nothing to say. The most honest people also want to do the most deceitful deception. The most painful mind, on the other hand, tends to make the most relaxed smile. Do humans really have nothing to do with tumors? Is it really impossible for thousands of cancer patients to have any hope?