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本研究以彝语北部方言的松紧元音为研究对象,全面考察了松紧元音对立的产生机制。研究中使用喉头仪(Electroglottography)采集声源信号,使用超声仪对松紧元音发音过程中的舌头运动进行观测。研究结果表明:(1)彝语北部方言松紧元音在发声类型上有显著区别;(2)根据彝语松紧元音共振峰的声学元音图可以推测松元音的舌位高于紧元音,并且松元音舌位比紧元音更靠前;(3)通过使用超声仪器观测进一步证实了松元音的舌位比紧元音靠前靠上的声学推测。因此,从言语产生的生理过程看,彝语松紧元音的对立也许不完全是因为不同的发声类型,舌头的调音部位可能也起着一定的作用。 In this study, the elastic vowel of northern Yi language is taken as the research object, and the production mechanism of elastic vowel opposition is comprehensively investigated. In the study, the acoustic source signal was collected by using Electroglottography and the tongue movement of the elastic vowel was observed by using the ultrasonic instrument. The results show that: (1) there is a significant difference in the type of utterances between the elastic vowels of the north of Yi; (2) According to the acoustic vowel diagram of the elastic tonic vowel of Yi language, the tongue position of the pine vowel can be inferred to be higher than that of the tight vowels , And the loose vowel tone is more advanced than the tight vowel tone. (3) Acoustic speculation that the tongue position of the loose vowel tone is higher than the tight vowel tone is further confirmed by observation with the ultrasonic instrument. Therefore, from the perspective of the physiological process of speech production, the opposition of the elastic tightening of Yi language may not be entirely due to the different vocalization types. The tuning part of the tongue may also play a role.
以内蒙古河套灌区义长灌域永联试验区为背景,基于野外观测试验数据,利用Visual MODFLOW4.2地下水运动模拟软件建立了区域非饱和-饱和水流与溶质运移耦合模型,并运用该模型,分
利用资料诊断和全球大气原始方程模式(Intermediate General Circulation Model,IGCM),研究了2008年1月中国南方地区出现罕见的持续性雨雪事件的成因。结果表明,2008年1月大气