同志们: 今天我们在这里召开自治区化工行业经济工作座谈会,共同研究讨论化工行业的改革和发展问题。首先,我代表自治区化工厅向出席会议的各位代表表示热烈地欢迎,向应邀出席并指导会议的各位来宾、各位领导表示衷心感谢! 这次会议的主要任务是,认真贯彻党的十五大、十五届四中全会和中央经济工作会议精神,落实自治区经济工作会议、全国石油和化工行业经济工作座谈会、自治区经贸工作会议和自治区计划会议提出的各项任务,回顾分析1999年我区化工行业的经济运行情况,研究和提出2000年工作的总体设想,统一思想,明确任务,抓住国家“西部大开发”的机遇,为振兴我区化工行业而共同奋斗。
Comrades: Today we hold a forum for economic work in the chemical industry in the autonomous region to study and discuss the reform and development of the chemical industry together. First of all, on behalf of the Chemical Industry Department of the autonomous region, I would like to extend my warm welcome to all the delegates attending the meeting and express my heart-felt thanks to the distinguished guests and leaders for attending and guiding the meeting. The main task of this meeting is to conscientiously implement the guidelines set forth in the 15th Party Congress, In the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee and the Central Economic Work Conference, all the tasks proposed by the Economic Work Conference of the Autonomous Region, the Economic Work Symposium of the National Petroleum and Chemical Industry, the Economic and Trade Working Conference of the Autonomous Region and the Autonomous Region Planning Meeting were reviewed. In 1999, The economic operation of the industry, research and put forward the overall vision of the work in 2000, unify thinking, a clear mandate, seize the opportunities of the national “Western Development”, to rejuvenate the chemical industry in our region and work together.