法国工业科学技术展览会于1974年5月23日至6月7日在北京举办,参加展出的有三百多个厂商和科研机构,是近年来比较大规模的展览会之一。展出的内容包括机械设备,电气工程,航空,化学,电讯,数据处理和医疗器械等。从分析仪器来看,展出的产品不多,下面仅就几种主要的仪器简单介绍。 1.俄歇(Auger)电子谱仪(AES) 这次RIBER公司展出的俄歇电子谱仪是作固体表面成份分析用的,采用圆筒镜能量分析器。因为只有能量满足E+△E这个很窄范
The French Industrial Science and Technology Exhibition was held in Beijing from May 23 to June 7, 1974. More than 300 manufacturers and research institutes attended the exhibition. It is one of the relatively large-scale exhibitions in recent years. Exhibits include mechanical equipment, electrical engineering, aerospace, chemical, telecommunications, data processing and medical devices. From the point of view of the analytical instruments, there are not many products on display and only a brief introduction of several major instruments is given below. 1. Auger Electron Spectrometer (AES) The Auger electron spectrometer from RIBER was used for solid surface composition analysis using a cylindrical mirror energy analyzer. Because only the energy to meet E + △ E is very narrow range