有一天,我来到这片“世外桃园”,远处走来一位眉清目秀的青年,占据我眼睛的是一双闪烁着波动光的大眼睛,一道挂在它旁边如青云似的眼睫毛。 “你喜欢这片花生吗?” “嗯。”我若无其事地点头。 “我也爱这片花生,特别爱这一朵儿的黄花。” “为什么?” “我爱这花有一种特殊的美,花生花没有空花,它开一朵花,就能结一果。”他睁眨了两下眼睛再说,“我们做人也要象它那样有开花必结果,你说对吗?” 是呀,花生花虽不如单托水仙那样清雅,复瓣红桃那样艳丽;也不象烂漫的樱花、富贵的牡丹、圣洁的白莲那样婀娜多姿,马兰、吊兰的柔嫩可爱。它实在是一种极平凡的花,却蕴含着另一种美。 啊?我楚清地记得:这个仅比我大三、四岁的他,就能给我讲自然生活中的寓意,而且讲得是那样的认真。后来,我才知道他是这个小学的教师——他不正是以花来比喻平凡的教师吗? 他走了,是那样美妙地从花丛中来,又同样消失
One day I came to this “paradise for paradise” and came a beautiful youth from afar. My eye was a pair of large eyes with a wave of light and a hanging eye-catching eyelashes beside it. “Do you like this piece of peanut?” “Well,” I nodded without any problems. “I love this peanut, especially the yellow flower of this one.” “Why?” “I love this flower has a special beauty, peanut flowers without flowers, it is a flower, you can bear fruit ”He said twice with a blink of his eye and said,“ We have to behave in the same way that flowers will flow as it is, are you right? ”Yes, peanut flowers are as elegant as single narcissus, Also not like the brilliant cherry, rich peony, holy white lotus graceful, Malan, spider plants are tender and lovely. It is really a very ordinary flower, but it contains another kind of beauty. Ah? I Chu remember: this is only three or four years older than me, he will be able to tell me the moral of natural life, and stresses that is so serious. Later, I learned that he was a teacher of this elementary school - did he not just use a flower to describe an ordinary teacher? He walked away so beautifully from the flowers and again disappeared