1 1934年是闽粤赣边区斗争最艰苦的开始,黄新带头把自由结婚的丈夫送去参加了红军,4月就走了,眼下家里就剩下她跟一个才五岁的女儿小妞儿。2敌人实行“并村”的时候,她就随着大伙儿来到了八角坳。这看起来阴森森的村庄里还埋着星星点点的火种,等这些火种越着越旺,连串起来,就会烧起漫天大火的。
1934 was the hardest beginning of the struggle in the border areas of Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi. Huang Xin took the lead in sending the freely married husband to the Red Army and left in April. At the moment, she left her with a daughter who was only five years old. When the enemy practiced “and the village ”, she came to the octopus with everyone. This seemingly gloomy village is still littered with bits and pieces of fire, waiting for these kinds of fire more and more prosperous, in a row, it will be burning wildfire.