
来源 :城市规划通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lookluo
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《西安市常规公共交通基础设施规划建设标准(试行)》(以下简称《标准》)日前正式下发,《标准》明确,配建型场站是指依附民用建筑(居住、商业、公共服务等),在用地界线内,配套建设的公交停靠站、首末站、出租汽车停靠站。配建型场站宜位于片区的中心地带、主要居住区或主要商业办公集中区,以方便市民步行往返居住地及从事商业办公活动。配建的公交停靠站、首末站、出租汽车停靠站应与主体工程同时设计、同时建设、同时验收并交付使用。配建型场站间的中心距离不应小于350米, “Standard for Public Transport Infrastructure Planning and Development in Xi’an” (hereinafter referred to as the “Standard”) was officially released a few days ago and the “standard” is clear. ), Within the boundaries of the land, supporting the construction of the bus stop, the first stop, taxi stop. With the construction field station should be located in the heart of the area, the main residential area or the main commercial office concentration area, to facilitate the public to walk from the place of residence and engaged in commercial office activities. With the construction of the bus stop, the first terminal station, taxi terminal should be designed with the main project at the same time, at the same time construction, acceptance and delivery. With the modeling of the center of the distance between stations should not be less than 350 meters,
“他是一位道地的北方人,约有四十五岁。短头发和一小撮浓胡子都已经灰白了,头部长得非常端正,仿佛生来是为了铸在勋章上似的,两眼炯炯有光,嘴形庄严。他是一个从舞锤弄斧做起的工程师,是一个活动家,同时又是一个思想家。他热情乐观,见多识广,善于随机应变,有着坚强的毅力,在紧要关头,总能保持清醒的头脑”。  “他”并不是周炜。  投资圈的人都知道,周炜是个科幻迷,很喜欢用科幻小说里的东西类比投资。凡尔纳的《