1993年日本科学技术厅发表了有涉及各个学科领域的3000多名专家参加的对今后30年,即2020年以前的技术发展进行预测的调查报告。其预测结果为: 1.地球环境问题已引起全球性的普遍关心,其有关技术的展望,也已见明朗。对臭氧层无破坏作用的氟里昂等有害物质的代替物,将在本世纪中投入实用;在2008年前后,由宇宙飞船运载的专门修复臭氧层用的粒子加速器将被开发;到2015年时,全
In 1993, Japan Agency for Science and Technology published a survey report on the prediction of technological developments in the next 30 years, that is, by 2020, involving more than 3,000 experts in various disciplines. The forecast results are as follows: 1. The issue of the global environment has caused widespread global concern and its technology outlook has also been clear. Substitutes for harmful substances such as Freons, which have no destructive effect on the ozone layer, will be put into practical use by the turn of the century; special ozone-particle-based accelerators for spacecraft will be developed around the year 2008; by 2015,