Sichuan’s Situation in Industrial Structure Upgrading and Financial Support

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In 2013,the GDP of Sichuan prov-ince was 262 million yuan. Calculated at compara-ble prices, it increased 10. 0% over the previous year. The contribution rate of the three industrial sectors on economic growth is 4. 4%,62. 3% and 33. 3% respectively. Seen from both the added val-ue and growth rate,the secondary industry’s contri-bution to the economy of Sichuan province is the biggest. This is also reflected in terms of the industrial sectors. The three industrial sectors in Sichuan province in 2013 was 13. 0∶51. 7∶35. 3. Thus,the proportion of the secondary industry in GDP was greater than the sum of the primary and tertiary in-dustries. In 1978, the ratio was 44. 5∶35. 5∶20. 0. In the past 35 years,the proportion of the primary sector industries of Sichuan province declined sharply while the secondary and teriary industries rose greatly. Is the adjustment of the structure of Sichuan province’s industrial sectors reasonable? A reasona-ble industrial structure is the important foundation for stable economic growth, and because of this, Kuznets( 1973 ) listed it as one of the six major characteristics of modern economic growth. This ar-ticle gives a detailed analysis on the situation and problems of upgrading the industrial structure in Sichuan province from 1978 to 2012 , and tests its relationship with the financial development of Si-chuan province. The following conclusions are made from this study:Firstly,with regard to the industrial structure of Sichuan province,2002 was a turning point. Af-ter that,the share of the added value of the second-ary industry in GDP accelerated rapidly. However, the share of the teriary industry reversed, and has continued to decline. Secondly, the imbalance of the industrial structure in Sichuan province since 2002 is not caused by mismatching resources,nor is it because something is wrong with the secondary industry it-self. It is due to the fact that,since 1990,the pro-ductivity of the teriary industry increased too slow-ly,and,as a result,the teriary industry declined too rapidly compared with overall labor productivity. Thirdly,although this form of structural imbal-ances exists, laborers in the primary sector of in-dusty of Sichuan province have been shifting to the secondary and teriary sectors. Therefore,the indus-trial structure is still continuously upgrading. Fourthly, financial development provides strong support to upgrading the industrial structure of Sichuan province. From 1978 to 2012,whenever the loan balance as a proportion of GDP rose 1%, it led to the rise of the proportion of the sum of the added value of the secondary and teriary industry in GDP by 1 . 57%. Fifthly, upgrading the industrial structure in Sichuan province is due to Granger causality effect of financial development in Sichuan province. Oth-erwise it will not happen. Based on the above conclusions, the effective method to correct the imbalance of the industrial structure in Sichuan province is to improve the la-bor productivity of the teriary industries. This can not only improve the GDP,but can also reduce the proportion of the secondary industries in the GDP. The department with the highest productivity in the teriary industry is production services. Since 1978,the production services of Sichuan province have undergone rapid development. In 2012 , the total employment of persons working in production services, including wholesale - retail, transportation storage, commercial leases, profes-sional services, information - communication, and financial insurance, reached 4. 54%, 4. 54%, 1. 12%,0. 85%,0. 84% and 0. 52%,and the total proportion was 10. 69%. However, compared with the developed economies, there is still a big gap, especially in the professional services. Concerning policy,we should open up further, improve the fiscal and taxation policies as well as land and price policies,strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights and construct talented teams,and furthermore,build an institutional envi-ronment with a low transaction cost,and promote a harmonious development of production services and manufacturing. In addition to the government’s guidance poli-cy and market adjustment mechanisms, a reasona-ble financial structure is very important. The finan-cial structure includes two aspects: the proportion of financial intermediaries and financial markets. Financial intermediaries are is the banking system. Carlin and Mayer’s research ( 1998 ) found that fi-nancial markets run well in developed economies, and banking systems are more efficient in develo-ping economies. Lin ( 2003∶200 ) emphasized the importance of the scale of the banking structure. He thinks that companies in different industries are significantly different in size and risk,and need to be matched with different sizes of bank structure. Generally speaking, the scale of the enterprises in labor-intensive industries is relatively small,while the scale of enterprises that are capital and tech-nology intensive is relatively big. Therefore,current financial development in Sichuan province should give priority to the banking system. This means not only needing big banks to provide financial services for capital and technology intensive industries,but also needing small banks to meet the financial de-mand of the small labor-intensive enterprises. In addition, we need to innovate financial services, establish and improve the corresponding financing support systems and products according to characteristic phasesand requirements of re-search,design,and application,construct a conven-ient financing platform, and support those eligible production services enterprises to seek financing from stock market and bond issuing.
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