“一江春水向东流,几家欢乐几家愁“。这恰是当前汽配流通企业面临的形势。 澎湃的市场经济,历史性变革之潮汐,推动国内汽配主渠道企业在深化改革中“转机制,抓管理、练内功、增效益“,沿着建立现代企业制度方向不断向前迈进。部分企业在市场竞争中,坚定信心、坚守阵地、坚持拼博,逐步实现“转机建制”,出现了新的生机。另一部分企业,忍受作出很大努力,但转机不顺,步履艰难,还是出现大面积亏损,既有远虑又有近忧,有的负债度日,生存与发展举步维艰。
“A river flows eastward, a few happy few worry.” This is precisely the current auto parts distribution business is facing the situation. Surging market economy and tide of historic changes, and promoting the main auto companies in the domestic auto parts market to deepen the reform of “transferring mechanism, grasping management, practicing internal skills and increasing profits”, and continuously moving forward along the direction of establishing a modern enterprise system. Some enterprises in the market competition, firm confidence, hold positions, adhere to Pinbo, and gradually realize the “turning point system”, there has been a new vitality. Another part of the enterprises, which endured great efforts, failed to make a smooth transition despite the difficulties they encountered or the large-scale losses they suffered. Both the long-term concerns and the short-term ones were worrisome. Some of them were in debt and their survival and development were struggling.