吐哈油田PDC钻头的选用与实践杨代睿,王治中(吐哈石油勘探开发指挥部钻井工艺研究所哈密839001)蒲正伟,何树栋(吐哈石油勘探开发玉门钻井指挥部鄯善县 838204)(吐哈石油勘探开发中原钻井指挥部鄯善县 838204)1 PDC钻头使用问题分析吐...
Selection and Practice of PDC Bits in Tuha Oilfield Yang Dai-rui, Wang Zhi-zhong (Drilling Institute of Drilling Technology, Tuha Petroleum Exploration and Development Command, Hami 839001) Pu Zhengwei, He Shuodong (Tuha Petroleum Exploration and Development Yumen Drilling Command Shanshan County 838204) Exploration and development of the Central Plains Drilling Command Shanshan County 838204) 1 PDC bit analysis problems spit ...