Theoretical study on thermal decomposition of azoisobutyronitrile in ground state

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The thermal decomposition mechanisms of azoisobutyronitrile (AIBN) in the ground state have been investigated systematically. Based on the potential energy surfaces (PES) of various possible dissociation paths obtained using the semiempirical AM1 method with partial optimization, the density function theory B3LYP/6-311G* method was employed to optimize the geometric parameters of the reactants, the intermediates, the products and the transition states, which were further confirmed by the vibrational analysis. The obtained results show that the re- action process of the two-bond (three-body) simultaneous cleavage Me2(CN)C─ N=N─ C(CN)Me2? 2Me2(CN)C?+N2 is much more favorable than the reaction process of the two one- bond asynchronous cleavage Me2(CN)CN=N─C(CN)Me2 ? Me2(CN)CN=N?+ Me2(CN)C?? Me2(CN)C?+ N2. It was suggested that the electron shrinking effect of double bond (─N=N─) in AIBN and the stabilities of the Me2(CN)C?radical as well as N2 molecule are main factors of leading to the reaction proceeding in the former pathway. The calculation results were consistent with all the experimental facts. Based on the potential energy surfaces (PES) of various possible dissociation paths obtained using the semiempirical AM1 method with partial optimization, the density function theory B3LYP / 6- 311G * method was employed to optimize the geometric parameters of the reactants, the intermediates, the products and the transition states, which were further confirmed by the vibrational analysis. The obtained results show that the re- action process of the two-bond (three -body) simultaneous cleavage Me2 (CN) C─N = N-C (CN) Me2 2Me2 (CN) C + N2 is much more favorable than the reaction process of the two one- bond asynchronous cleavage Me2 (CN) CN = N - C (CN) Me2? Me2 (CN) CN = N? + Me2 (CN) C ?? Me2 (CN) C? + N2. It was suggested that the electron shrinking effect of double bond (─ N = N ─) in AIBN and the stabilities of the Me2 (CN) C? Radical as well as N2 molecule are main factors of leading to the reaction proceeding in the former pathway. The calculation results were consistent with all the experimental facts.
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摘要:微课是当今信息时代一种新型的教学手段。将微课用于生物实验教学中,能有效优化实验课堂,突破时间、地点的限制,化枯燥为生动,化抽象为形象,创造生动性实验课堂,提高学生的兴趣性。微课是对传统教学的一次革新,是一种有效提高实验课堂的创新实践。  关键词:微课;初中生物;实验教学  中图分类号:G633.91文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)19-055-1  微课是现代教育技术
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