How To Get Along With Your Friends Better

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  Do you have friends? Do you know how to get along with your friends better?
  Friends bring joy and fun to our life. To most of us, it’s always easy to make friends but hard to go on onemore step closer to our friends. The tips below will help you.
  ● Be yourself with your friends
  Sometimes your friends may find out that your true personality is completely different from what they thought it was. In order not to make them lose trust in you, find some proper time to tell them what you really often do and like to do. And they may understand you.
  ● Get through the difficult times with small tricks
  People never know what kind of chocolate they are going to taste. It is true of life. When your friends taste the bad one, why not tell something funny about yourself, like“Am I like a round ball?”Hearing this, your friends may be happy again. The best friends may not always agree with each other and even have few words for days. Some small tricks like telling jokes or calling him or her nickname(綽号) may help you get along with your friends better.
  ● Find proper ways to communicate warmly
  There is no doubt that people like to communicate with their close friends as often as possible. Remem? ber those special days in your friends’lives. Sometimes you book a table to help celebrate your friend’s birth? day, but when you call her, she tells you her birthday is not that day. Don’t make it happen and remember the exact date. Having regular activities also provides good chances to meet and chat with your friends. Make sure your friends will come and have fun.Please look at the following sayings about friends: Friend is easier lost than found.A friend without faults will never be found. Friends agree best at distance. He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs. Old friends and old wines are best. A life without a friend is a life without a sun. Be slow in choosing a friend. A friend in need is a friend indeed. A friend is never known till a man has need. Without a friend the world is a wilderness. A true friend is known in the day of adversity. Everything is good when new, but friend when old. Friends are like fiddle-strings, they must not be screwed too tight. Friendship is love with understanding. Friendship multiplies joys and divides griefs.
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议论文阅读在中考语文试卷中占有较大比重。从近几年辽宁省各市的中考题来看,传统题型依然占主流。同学们在复习备考中要把常见的考点和题型抓住,同时训练一些新题型,相信在议论文阅读上得高分不是难事。  一、常见考点和题型  1.常见考点。论点的提取,论证方法及作用,论据类型及应用,论证思路(过程)的把握。  2.常见题型。一是“问答类”,常见的问题有:文章的中心论点是什么;段落运用了什么论证方法,有何作用
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一、too much; much too; too many  1. too much意为“太多”,其中心词是much,修饰不可数名词或单独使用。如:  Don’t ear too much meat. It’s bad for your health.  不要吃太多的肉,这对你的健康有害。  2. much too意为“太”, 其中心词是too,修饰形容词或副词,以加强语气。如:  My unc
1. 如图1,在平面直角坐标系中,点A的坐标为(3,0),点B的坐标为(7,0),点M是平面内一点,且AM = 2,连接BM,将线段BM绕着点M逆时针旋转90°得到线段MN,连接AN,则线段AN的最大值为 .  2. 如圖2,在平面直角坐标系中,抛物线[y=ax2+bx+c]与x轴交于A,B两点(点A在点B的左侧),点C为抛物线的顶点,连接AC,BC,其中点C的坐标为(1,[-33]),
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