实践全心全意为人民服务的宗旨 提高企业职工思想道德建设水平

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党的十四届六中全会通过的《决议》指出:“社会主义道德建设要以为人民服务为核心,以集体主义为原则,以爱祖国、爱人民、爱劳动、爱科学、爱社会主义为基本要求,开展社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德教育,在全社会形成团结互助、平等友爱、共同进步的人际关系。”这不仅为我们搞好企业精神文明建设指明了方向,也从理论和实践的结合上阐明了社会主义道德建设的本质特征。全心全意为人民服务是中国共产党的宗旨,是共产党员政治观、历史观、人生观和道德观的生动体 The “Resolution” adopted by the 6th Plenary Session of the 14th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China pointed out: “Socialist morality construction must take the service of the people as the core, the principle of collectivism, love the motherland, love the people, love labor, love science and love socialism As the basic requirements, to carry out social ethics, professional ethics and family virtue education, and to form interpersonal relationships of solidarity, equality, fraternity and common progress throughout the whole society. ”This not only points out the direction for us to do a good job in building an enterprise’s spiritual civilization, And the combination of practice illustrates the essential features of socialist moral construction. Serving the people wholeheartedly is the purpose of the Chinese Communist Party, a vivid body of the CPC members’ political concepts, historical values, outlook on life and moral values
提出当前应树立人力资源观念和人力资源规格观念,并在此基础上提出社会主义市场经济条件下,人力资源市场运作方式的设想,按该方式运作,可促进人力资源市场健康有序的发展. It put