患儿,女,11岁,因出疹、双下肢麻痹4d入院。入院前9d因常有头虱,家长用香味灭虱露涂头部包裹3d,行灭虱处 理,未帮患儿清洗头部,5d后患儿四肢出现皮疹,渐增多,伴双下肢麻痹。在当地卫生院拟过敏性紫癜收治,未愈,转至本院治疗。体检:神志清,面部、四肢可见散在性点状至片状暗红色皮肤瘀点、瘀斑,不高出皮肤表面,压之不褪色,四肢对称分布。心肺腹部神经系统检查未见异常。实验室检查:患儿血液、香味灭虱露经中国广州分析测试
Children, female, 11 years old, due to rash, double lower limb paralysis 4d admission. 9d before admission because of head louse often, the parents with the smell of pestis dew coated head wrapped 3d, line tick treatment, did not help children with head cleaning, children with limbs after 5d rash, increasing, with double lower limb paralysis. Hyphenated purpura in the local hospital to be treated, healed, go to our hospital for treatment. Physical examination: Consciousness, face, scattered limbs visible spot-like flaky dark red skin petechia, ecchymosis, not higher than the skin surface, the pressure does not fade, symmetrical distribution of limbs. Cardiopulmonary abdominal nervous system examination showed no abnormalities. Laboratory tests: Children’s blood, smell off lice by China Guangzhou analysis test