蔡元培美术教育思想闪烁着时代光辉之处,还在于他1917年任北大校长时的一段名言:“学术公开,思想自由,文学与美术上现实派与理想派兼收并蓄。”这段话,对30年代西方近现代美术及其思潮大规模引入中国、中国新艺术运动的异军突起,产生了积极深远的影响。 中国现代新艺术运动的异军突起,实际上是中国新兴美术教育的蓬勃发展,特别是以新型国立高等美术院校的创建为触
Cai Yuanpei’s idea of art education flashed the glory of the times, as well as his famous quote of 1917 when he was president of Peking University: “academic openness, freedom of thought, integration of realistic and idealism in literature and fine arts.” In this passage, Western modern art and its trend of thought were introduced into China on a large scale. The sudden emergence of the Chinese new art movement has had a profound and far-reaching impact. The sudden emergence of the modern Chinese art movement is in fact a thriving development of the emerging art education in China, especially with the creation of a new type of national higher fine arts academy