The Interpretation of Wine Culture in Dickens’ Works

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  【Abstract】As an outstanding representative writer of British realistic literature in the 19th century, Dickens often makes use of wine culture to create characters so as to promote the plot. The focus of this paper is to analyze the important role that wine culture plays in Dickens’works.
  【Key words】British realism literature; Dickens’ works; Wine Culture
  1. Dickens and wine
  First of all, Dickens himself has a deep connection with wine, which has a lot to do with his father. Dickens is known to have an alcoholic and hospitable father, and he is often brought to a hotel for showing by his father. The French Crown Hotel in Rochester, for example, is one of their resorts. While Dickens worked as a shoe apprentice, beer was a very desirable and rare drink. Lunch for him was usually “a roll of bread or a serving of pudding or bread with cheese, sometimes he can’t bear his desire for beer, he went into a small inn on Westminster Council Street, straightened out his chest board, and said to the boss like an adult, ‘how much is your best light beer?’”(Wang: 2012.) Dickens is not only famous as a writer, he can also make a mixed drink of Gin, and he can “seriously evaluate the ingredients while he is making them, and talk about the effects in detail of these ingredients for different people.”Dickens loves wine and he is also a hangover, that explain for the reason why he often mentions wine in his works.
  2. The wine written in Dickens’ works
  The wine plays an irreplaceable role in many works written by Dickens. In Dickens’ Bleak House, there is a man called Krook who dies from self-burned because he drank too much Gin. The Gin here belongs to one of the seven most famous distilled beverage around the world. In addition to the Gin in Bleak House, there are details related to Brandy in Great Expectations. When the fugitive asks the child for food, the child steal some Brandy from the cupboard. Wine plays an important role for comforting those poor people. What’s more, in Christmas Carols, a gentlemen who raised money from Scrooge and hoped to buy wine for the poor. Wine is essential for major festivals. Moreover, Scrooge also hears the wine barrel that are stored in the cellar echo differently on that strange Christmas Eve. Storing wine is common for many wealthy families like Scrooge.
  3. The wine culture
  The wine became a common drink in the the British’s daily life during the nineteenth century. And it mainly plays two roles. On the one hand, it represents the warm and happy family life. Dickens is yearning for family atmosphere that a whole family sit together to drink and chat. On the other hand, it makes the aristocratic color of the wine culture prominent.   Actually, Dickens did take his life experiences and his beautiful expectations into his creation of novels. David Copperfield is an excellent example. His real life experience is similar to what is written in this semi-autobiographical novel. The protagonist of the novel David lost his father during his childhood and his mother remarried, to make it worse, his stepfather sent him to a poor fisherman—Peck. However, although Peck was poor, the family often gathered to drink, eat snacks and have fireside chats. Even if the wine is very simple and rough, David did enjoy the warmth and love coming from family life. This scene has become the spiritual pillar of David’s life. When he suffered insult and torture during which he was sent out to work as child labourer, he would just think of the family drinking and chatting scene with Peck from time to time. Because it not only let David forget the pain from reality, and became his motivation that pushed him to harvest the final family life he wanted.
  British wine culture is a kind of aristocratic life culture with exquisite wine etiquette and expensive wine. It has become a symbol of status and wealth for noble people. Dickens repeatedly referred to “wine” in his work Pickwick Papers. Moreover, he gave a detailed description of drinking scene of the noble British society, but most of the time he wrote about the informal reception of civilian in order to reveal the real living situation of the middle and lower classes. In Oliver Twist, he used the description of drinking scene to express the person’s image, social status.
  In the nineteenth century in England, the development of political and economic promotes the progress of social civilization thus promoting the evolution of the wine culture. Moreover, the wine culture provides rich materials for Dickens’ literary creation, provides inspiration for writers’ conception of the plots, characters, emotional expression.
  [1]Dickens,Charles.Bleak House[M].New York:Signet Classics,2011.
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李先念是伟大的无产阶级革命家、政治家、军事家,中国共产党、中华人民共和国和中国人民解放军的卓越领导人之一。革命战争年代,他一直参加和领导军事斗争,是党领导的人民军队的杰出将领。他骁勇善战,功勋卓著,在重大历史关头不怕牺牲、勇挑重担,敢于斗争、屡建奇功,为人民军队的建设,为夺取中国革命的胜利,作出了不可磨灭的贡献。红四方面军最年轻的军政治委员  李先念,1909年6月23日出生于湖北黄安(今红安)。
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【摘要】教育事业的发展为当前初中学校提高教学水平创造了有利条件,而英语学科作为学生在成长阶段需要学习的一项重要内容,对于学生今后学习的影响至关重要。为了有效提高初中英语词汇教学的有效性,教师开始将思维导图应用其中,以帮助学生更好完成词汇方面的相关学习。本文将结合实际情况对思维导图在初中英语词汇教学中的具体应用进行详细分析,以其为今后开展的相关工作提供宝贵经验。  【关键词】思维导图;初中英语;词汇
【摘要】中职英语教学如何培养能够适应社会需要,具有对英语熟练应用的专业技术人才,是中职英语教师困惑的一个问题。在中职学校英语教学实践中,社团教学具有非常关键的作用。社团教学能够真正发挥学生的主体性作用,同时还能够营造良性竞争的学习氛围。因此,在中职学校英语教学实践中,应该真正利用社团教学这一桥梁,切实提升学生的英语水平。  【关键词】中职学校;英语社团教学;认识;实践  【作者简介】蓝孝迁,青岛高