我们于1983年利用棉纺厂的下脚料——废棉屑栽培草菇,收到了每百斤干料平均产鲜菇32.6斤的好效果。现将试栽情况简报如下: (一)材料与方法:试验菌种系从福建新民菌种厂引进的试管种,用棉籽壳作培养基接原种和栽培种。菌龄15天,用于室内大床栽培。培养料配方为废棉屑100斤、石灰4斤、多菌灵(可湿性粉剂)0.2斤,将料拌匀,含水量以手握料有明显水珠滴下为度。料拌好后,堆积48小时。将堆积好的培养料趁
We used the waste of cotton mills in 1983 to cultivate grass mushrooms with waste cotton crumbs and received 32.6 kg of fresh mushrooms per kilogram of dried fruits on average. Brief introduction of the trial planting situation is as follows now: (a) materials and methods: Test strains from Fujian Xinmin species plant species introduced test tube, with cottonseed shell as the original culture medium and cultivar. Age of 15 days for indoor bed cultivation. Training materials formula waste cotton waste 100 pounds, lime 4 pounds, carbendazim (wettable powder) 0.2 pounds, the material mix well, the water content to the hand grip material drops obviously for the degree of waterdrops. Mix well, the accumulation of 48 hours. The accumulation of good culture materials to take advantage of