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MIA0 SHIMING is called as a King ofNewsPaPer Collecting, wh0se collechon is characterized by peat abundance, quite many raritiesand wide range. Fr0m l970 0n he has c0llected26, (XX) categories 0f newspapers, c0ntemporaryor ancient, Chinese or foreign, with 280, anc0Pies; 9, 20() categ0ries 0f magaZines, with over40, 00() copies; 2l8 c0pies of newspaPer -clipping ha0ks as well as m0re than 5, 00() b0okswith hist0rical value. He oPened the first faInilynewspaPer- c0llecting room in N0rth China -- - Family NewspaPer-C0llecting Room 0fMiao ShiMing whose name is inscribed by Sha0HuaZe, a member 0f the CCP Central C0mmitteeand head of the Pe0ple’s Daily Press, and 0nJune 29, l998 has been open to the public and isselected as the M0ral - Educati0n Base 0fShanxi. Mr. Mia0 has been engaged as a vicesecretary - general by China’s NewspaPer - C0l-lecting Associati0n. He and his c0llecti0ns havebeen included int0 the Who’s Wh0 0f the W0rdand the Encycl0Pedia 0f chinese conectors 0f the20th CentUry, the Qualified -Pers0nneI Ency-clopedia 0f Chinese ExPerts as well as tbe Annals0f Zuoquan County. M010917 0n he has c0llected26, (XX) categories 0f newspapers, c0ntemporaryor ancient, Chinese or foreign, with 280, anc0Pies; 9, 20 () categ0ries ​​0f magaZines, with over40, 00 () copies; 2l8 c0pies of newspaPer -clipping ha0ks as well as m0re than 5, 00 () b0okswith hist0rical value. He oPened the first faInilynewspaPer- c0llecting room in N0rth China - - - Family News PaPer-C0llecting Room 0fMiao ShiMing whose name is inscribed by Sha0HuaZe, a member 0f the CCP Central Organization and head of the Peoples Daily Press, and 0nJune 29, l998 has been open to the public and is selected as the M0ral - Educati0n Base 0fShanxi Mr. Mia0 has been engaged as a vicesecretary - general by China’s NewspaPer - C0l-lecting Associati0n. He and his c0llectins havebeen included int0 the Who’s Wh0 0f the W0rdand the Encycl0Pedia 0f chinese conectors 0f the20th CentUry , the Qualified-Personel Ency-clopedia 0f Chinese ExPerts as well as tbe Annals0f Zuoquan County.
目的 :观察 1,6′ 二磷酸果糖镁 (FDP Mg)对大鼠短暂全脑缺血及再灌注损伤的影响。方法 :采用四血管 (即双侧颈总动脉 +双侧椎动脉 )闭塞法致全脑缺血及再灌注模型。结果 :与
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一、思维导图的概念、生理依据和特征  思维导图是英国学者托尼·巴赞在20世纪70 年代初期所创,是一种组织性思维工具,是将放射性思考具体化的方法。思维导图总是从一个中心点开始,每个与其相关的词或者图像都成为一个子中心或者联想,整个合起来以一种无穷无尽的分支链的形式从中心向四周放射,回归于一个共同的中心。思维导图善用左右脑的功能,藉由颜色、图像、符码的使用,不但可以协助我们记忆,增进我们的创造力,也
In recent years, considerable attention has been paid to polymer blends containingthermotropic liquid crystalline polymers (TLCP). Thermotropic LCPs are long-c
上海国际航运中心建设首个专项五年规划《上海市加快国际航运中心建设“十二五”规划》已正式出台。根据规划,“十二五”期间,上海国际航运中心 Shanghai International Shi