以下8种性格的人的分类是按照不同的标准来划分的。其中内向型与外向型是按照人的注意力集中于何处(事物的外部特征或内涵)来划分的;感觉型和直觉型是按照人看待事物的方式来划分的;思考型和情绪型是按照人考虑问题的方式来划分的;判断型和理解型是按照人怎样处理与外界的关系来划分的。领导者掌握与各种性格人的交谈技巧,交谈时可以做到有的放矢,收到事半功倍的效果。 1.与外向型性格的人交谈 领导者要充满活力和热情,要准备应付大量工作,交谈时要说得快点,别想太多。同时要注重结果,注重人和事
The following eight types of personality classification is based on different criteria to be divided. The introversion and extroversion are divided according to where the human’s attention is concentrated (the external characteristics or connotation of the thing); sensory and intuitionistic are divided according to the way people look at things; the thinking and emotion are According to the way people think about the problem to be divided; judgmental and understanding of the type according to how people deal with the relationship between the outside world to divide. Leader to master and all kinds of personality conversation skills, you can make a targeted conversation, receive a multiplier effect. 1. Speaking with extroverts Personnel should be energetic and passionate, be prepared to deal with a great deal of work, talk faster, do not think too much. At the same time we must pay attention to the results, focusing on people and things