目的了解和评价营养改善计划实施地区学生营养健康状况。方法在12个县抽取1 185所中小学校191 181名学生,监测学校食堂供餐模式、学生体格发育和微量营养素状况、学生膳食摄入等。结果 90%以上学校供餐模式为“企业供餐”;学生身高、体重指标略低于全省农村平均水平,营养不良率14.6%,贫血率9.1%;25%学生的肉、蛋、奶、豆类等富含优质蛋白质的食物摄入频率和每周食用量偏低。结论贫困农村地区中小学生存在营养健康问题,实施针对性的营养改善计划很有必要。
Objectives To understand and evaluate nutrition and health status of students in nutrition improvement programs. Methods A total of 191 181 students from 1 185 primary and secondary schools were collected in 12 counties. The mode of feeding in school canteens, physical development and micronutrient status of students, dietary intake of students and so on were monitored. Results 90% of the school feeding mode was “enterprise feeding”; the height and weight index of the students was slightly lower than the average level of the province’s rural areas; malnutrition rate was 14.6%; anemia rate was 9.1%; 25% Milk, beans and other foods rich in high quality protein intake and weekly intake of low. Conclusion There are nutrition and health problems for primary and secondary school students in impoverished rural areas and it is necessary to implement targeted nutrition improvement plans.