直肠癌行Miles氏根治术,会阴部切口处理方法较多,不论是骶前置管闭合引流法,还是开放填塞法,对促进会阴部切口的愈合都不理想,多数并发感染,久治不愈。我们对20例病人采用带蒂大网膜移植骶骨前问隙,对预防会阴部切口感染及促进愈合疗效满意。现报告如下: 临床资料一、一般资料:我院1983年1月至1986年6月,共为低位直肠癌行Miles氏根治术42例。会阴部切口的处理方法分两种:骶前问隙移植带蒂大网膜填塞,会阴切口一期缝合,共20例(移植组);2.经缝合的会阴切口置管于骶前间隙引流者22例(对照组)。两组中,年龄、性别及肿瘤的病理诊断基本相同。
In the treatment of rectal cancer with Miles’ radical surgery, there are many methods of perineal incisions. Whether it is closed drainage before anterior canal approach or open tamponade, it is not ideal for promoting perineal incision healing, and most concurrent infections are permanently untreated. We used a pedicled omentum for the treatment of 20 patients with anterior tibial gap, which is satisfactory for the prevention of wound infection in the perineum and promotion of healing. The report is as follows: Clinical data I. General information: From January 1983 to June 1986 in our hospital, 42 patients underwent Miles’ radical resection for low rectal cancer. Perineal incisions are handled in two ways: pedicled omentum packing before the fistula, first-pass suture of the perineal incision, totaling 20 cases (transplantation group); 2. sutured perineal incision catheter placed in the preantral space drainage 22 cases (control group). In both groups, the pathological diagnosis of age, gender, and tumor was basically the same.