一、中举不公 秀才造反 康熙五十年(1711年),三年一度的江南乡试在南京举行。康熙派副都御史左必蕃为主考,翰林院编修赵晋为副主考。九月初九重阳节那天发榜。杨州贡生程光奎和歙县贡生吴泌俩人榜上有名,江南学子均大惑不解。因为同在学宫坐科,此二人每年的岁试成绩都是下下等,被称为“文理不通”。此番科举考试,能够中举必有蹊跷。果然,有消息传出,程、吴二人有行贿主考官之嫌。消息不胫而走,整个江南舆论哗然,江南学子群情激愤,特别是苏州地区的生员千余人,聚众在苏州玄妙观,公推廪生丁尔戬为首。尔后,将被读书人视为异端的财神菩萨
First, unfair southeaster rebuke Kangxi fifty years (1711), three annual Jiangnan Township test held in Nanjing. Kangxi sent vice capital censor left for the main test, the Imperial Academy editor Zhao Jin as deputy examiner. Chung Yeung Festival in September on the ninth day of the list. Yang Gong Tribute Cheng Guangkui and Gongxian tribute students Wu secrets list, Jiangnan students are puzzled. Because sitting in the school with the science department, the two annual annual test scores are lower and lower, known as “unreasonable liberal arts.” This time the imperial examination, to be cited in the strange. Sure enough, the news came out, Cheng, Wu two suspected bribery examiner. The news spread like wildfire, the uproar in southern Jiangnan public opinion, Jiangnan students angry, especially in Suzhou more than 1,000 health workers, gathered in Suzhou Xuanmiao concept, the public to promote health Bailun headed. Later, the book will be regarded as heresy God of Wealth Buddha