最近,国家体育运动委员会公布了第四套少年、儿童广播体操。这套体操,是为了增进少年儿童的身体健康,培养正确的姿势,并根据少年儿童的生理、心理特点和身体全面发展的原則編制的。由北京市六个小学的体育老师集体编写。曾先后在北京、天津和青岛等十六个小学进行試验,有五千多个小朋友参加了做操。在試验过程中,普遍反映这两套操編得比较好。有些小朋友说:“第四套少年广播体操做的时候很好看,做完了感觉很舒服。”为什么小朋友们喜爱这两套操呢?我們认为这两套体操主要有以下几个特点: 1.鍛炼身体的部位比较全面:少年、儿童广播体操每套都有八节,內容包括有伸展运动、下肢运动、体转运动、腹背运动、体侧运动、全身运动、跳跃运动和整理运动獍私诓?每节都有其不同的锻炼价值,第一节是比较緩和的伸展运动,开始做这一节操,可以使身体各部分
Recently, the National Sports Council announced the fourth set of juvenile and children's broadcast gymnastics. The gymnastics is intended to enhance the physical health of children and adolescents, develop the correct posture, and be based on the children's physiological and psychological characteristics and the principle of all-round development of the body. By the six primary schools in Beijing physical education teacher collective. He has conducted experiments in 16 primary schools in Beijing, Tianjin and Qingdao. Over 5,000 children participated in the exercises. In the course of the experiment, it is generally better to reflect these two sets of exercises. Some children said: “The fourth set of young radio gymnastics is very good when done, feeling very comfortable.” Why do children love these two sets of exercises? We think these two sets of gymnastics mainly have the following features: 1. forging Body parts are more comprehensive: juvenile, children's radio gymnastics each have eight sections, including stretching exercise, lower extremity exercise, body movement, abdominal motion, body side exercises, body movement, jumping and finishing exercises 獍 私诓? Each section has its different value of exercise, the first section is a more moderate stretching exercise, began to do this section of the operation, you can make all parts of the body