Tianjin Pharmaceutical Industry Company contraceptive collaborative team in trial in January 1974 successfully produced “741” topical contraceptives. May 1974 in Tianjin, Beijing, Tangshan clinical observation, filming agent and suppository two dosage forms. 3,655 film trials .19,061 menstrual cycle; suppository 913, 8, 011 menstrual cycle. Effective contraceptive, film 91.56% of women, corrected for 96.76% of women; suppositories for 96.76% of women, corrected for 99.16% of women. First, the trial situation (a) drug targets: choose voluntary medication, fertility history, often living together couples, aged 24-47 years old. (B) Medication: This group is dominated by women. 1 female method: room before the film folded into four fold, or regiment